
As a leading parquet floor restoration company, ZeX Wood Flooring offer bespoke parquet repair service, including refitting of any loose parquet blocks. Whether your parquet floor is oak, teak or merbau timber in herringbone, chevron or any other pattern, including mosaic finger panels, we can repair and restore it. Call ZeXwood Flooring ?01708536410 & 07721969588 for a free site inspection or visit https://www.zexwoodflooring.co.uk/ to get a free today to change the entire look of your home.
Parquet Wood Floors London - Installation Fitting ZeX Wood Flooring
As a leading parquet floorrestoration company, ZeX Wood Flooring offer bespoke parquet repair service,including refitting of any loose parquet blocks. Whether your parquet floor isoak, teak or merbau timber in herringbone, chevron or any other pattern,including mosaic finger panels, we can repair and restore it. Call ZeXwood Flooring ☎01708536410 & 07721969588 for a free site inspection or visit https://www.zexwoodflooring.co.uk/to get a free today to change the entire look of your home.