Parameters to Pay Attention to While Choosing a 12 Volt Linear Actuator
Parameters to Pay Attention to While Choosing a 12 Volt Linear Actuator
Linear actuators are widely used in all walks of our lives. They have become irreplaceable in industrial applications. Without them, home automation is impossible. They are extensively applied in medicine.

When selected correctly, they guarantee a long service life and the top precision level. They are easy-to-program, safe, and super easy to maintain. They look like perfect devices for any kind of application. However, you might face a problem when selecting the right actuator for your application. There are many types of linear actuators.

How to Select the Best Actuator Based on Specific Parameters

It is common to select 12volt actuators based on a specific set of parameters. Usually, specialists compare linear actuators based on the following parameters.

Stroke Length

Select actuators that have the needed stroke length. With advanced actuators, you can count on distances up to 50 ft or even more. Don’t overdo though. The longer is the stroke, the slower is the speed. That’s why we recommend using the actuators with the needed stroke.

Movement Speed

You expect your machines to move at a certain speed. Consider this speed value when selecting actuators. The speed of an actuator depends on its stroke length and materials used for the actuator. The speed at which you expect the actuator work shall not exceed the critical speed of the actuator.

Environment Conditions

You need to consider the environment in which your actuator is going to work. Some environments can cause some actuator types to fail or work improperly. Other environments can be contaminated by some actuator types. That’s why the environmental factor matters.