
Over 100 industry players are engaged in evaluating the potential of several prescription
Recent advances in information technology andbiomedical science have enabled the development of a number of versatiledigital solutions that are capable of either mimicking or augmenting, thefundamental qualities of pharmacological interventions.
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The USD 8.86 billion (by 2030) financialopportunity within the digital therapeutics market has been analyzed across thefollowing segments:
§ Typeof Solution
§ Standalone SoftwareApplication
§ Software Application+ Device + Personal Coach
§ Software Application+ Device + AI Support
§ Software Application+ Device
§ Software Application+ AI Support
§ Software Application+ Personal Coach
§ Other Types ofSolutions
§ Purposeof Solution
§ MedicationReplacement
§ MedicationAugmentation
§ Typeof Therapy
§ Curative
§ Preventive
§ BusinessModel
§ Businessto Consumer (Patients and Caregivers)
§ Businessto Business (Healthcare Providers, Payers, Employers andPharmaceutical Companies)
§ TherapeuticAreas
§ CardiovascularDisorders
§ ChronicPain
§ MentalHealth Problems
§ MetabolicDisorders
§ NeurologicalDisorders
§ RespiratoryDisorders
§ SleepDisorders
§ SubstanceUse Disorders
§ Others
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ Restof the world
The Digital Health Market: Focus onDigital Therapeutics (2nd Edition), 2020-2030 (Based on Type of Solution(Software Solution, Gaming Solution and Combination Solution), Type of Therapy(Curative and Preventive), and Purpose of Solution (Medication Replacement andMedication Augmentation, report features the following companies, which weidentified to be key players in this domain:
§ Akili Interactive
§ Beats Medical
§ Big Health
§ Bold Health
§ Click Therapeutics
§ CureApp
§ dreem
§ Ehave
§ Ginger
§ Happify Health
§ inMotion VR
§ Kaia Health
§ Lark Health
§ Mahana Therapeutics
§ MindMaze
§ Noom
§ Omada Health
§ Palo Alto HealthSciences
§ Pear Therapeutics
§ Vida Health
§ Welldoc
§ ZOLL Medical
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Current Market Landscape
5. Product Competitiveness Analysis
6. Company Profiles
7. Clinical Trial Analysis
8. Funding and Investment Analysis
9. Partnerships and Collaborations
10. Go-To-Market Strategy
11. Bowman Clock Pricing StrategyAnalysis
12. Market Forecast
13. Case Study: Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak
14. Remote Digital Monitoring / Diagnostic Solutions
15. Swot Analysis
16. Digital Solutions: Recent Trends and FutureOpportunities
17. Executive Insights
15. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
16. Appendix 2: List of Companies and Organizations
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415