
Continuing the introduction of the housemates entering the seventh series of reality TV show Big Brother, here are four of the seven men prepared to miss this summers World Cup to try and last 13 weeks in the UKs most intense goldfish bowl environment.
Age: 24. From: London. Occupation: Unemployed.
Pete is a budding rock n roll singer and cartoonist now living in Brighton. He was diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome at the age of 14, started wearing womens clothes aged 16 and impersonated Freddie Mercury at his mothers wedding. When asked why he wanted to participate on Big Brother he replied: to reach the top of my spiral to heaven and shine again. Also, if I was to win the money I would like to pay off my mums mortgage so she can finally live her life because she looked after me for so long. And I crave fame and would like to be a famous Touretter. Pete lives alone except for a pet hamster called Magic, who roams freely around his house and lives in the wall.
Age: 37. From: Glasgow. Occupation: Unemployed.
Shabaz is single and has been unemployable for the last 21 years, although has done Fioricet Online a lot of voluntary care work since he Fioricet for Sale was 16, helping the disabled and people with special needs in his local community. He admits that he has never been in love and has never had a boyfriend as he thinks men are afraid of his flamboyant personality. When asked why he wanted to be on Big Brother he replied: because Ive never