
Online Poker Made Interesting With Ethereum by Ethpoker
16thNovember 2019: Good news for the poker aficionados,Ethpoker has formed a new website where one can play no-limit poker usingethereum wallets. There is no need for registration or downloading an app. Onlyan ethereum wallet will let everyone play and instantly get the winningsdelivered to the wallet in a single step.
Why waste time and moneyin navigating the roads, go to a casino and play poker with unknown people? Itcan now easily be done online on the no-limit tables of Ethpoker. Ethpoker doesnot need any bank account details or any personal information. All it needs isan ethereum wallet to get an entry and become a part of a digital poker table.On using a crypto currency wallet, players from anywhere in of the world willbe able to join a table and enjoy the adrenaline rush of playing poker online.
Forget the hassles ofregistering on a website or any online digital platform. There is no need todownload an app and congest your smartphone when you can conveniently visit awebsite to play poker enthusiastically. This online Texas Hold’em Poker gamecan be played in a tablet or a PC. In fact, it also does not need any playername or information. Playing anonymously and enjoying the fun of poker onlineby using an Ethereum wallet is quite fascinating.
Once the ethereum wallet addressis provided, the website will ask for transferring coins to the officialwebsite eth address. Once it is done, a player will be redirected to a room forplaying poker with unknown players. When a player leaves a table, the winningswill be directly deposited in the eth wallet provided at the beginning.
Visit play poker online with your Ethereum wallet.