
Tutoring Tactics Is the Global Leader in Live Tutoring of Math and Science Subjects for Grades 6 to 12.
The aim of Tutoring Tactics is to provide direct, personalized instruction of math and science to students at the middle and high school level. Our trained tutors are matched perfectly to each student for a positive working relationship that yields results and success in school courses and tests. Personalized sessions also give students the tools later on to excel in university and in the real world.
Who We Are
Our tutors come from all walks of life and are experts in their fields. They leverage their experience and training to identify strengths and areas of improvement with a one-on-one strategy for effective learning. All of our tutors are carefully screened and expertly matched with students. They are well-versed in educational principles and will prepare each student for success.
Tutoring Tactics was founded by a husband and wife team with over 20 years of experience in Business Administration. After seeing impressive results homeschooling their own children, they combined their personal experience with proven educational principles to develop a curriculum and tutor training methods that help each student grasp and successfully apply mathematical and scientific concepts for schoolwork, standardized tests, and beyond.
Tutoring Tactics uniquely designed the One on One Live Tutoring method is created for students to get the most out of individualized learning. Our extensive screening process pairs students with the right tutors. The Tutoring Tactics academic advisory panel contributes its expertise in developing educational offerings and overseeing the curriculum and tutor training.
We welcome the families and students who partner wtih Tutoring Tactics to support their learning goals. The Important Role Math And Science Play In A Child’s Future
It may be a challenge to persuade many children about the importance of math and science in their future, but it is worth making an effort. One sobering fact is that while interest in and performance in math and science subjects is waning in schools, the demand for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)-related careers is increasing, and there is even a shortage in some areas.
Science and math-related careers don’t necessarily involve intense specialization or advanced degrees, but many can be pursued with a certificate or a few years of higher education. Engaging children in science and math topics, fostering a tendency to ask questions and providing guidance to students who may be having difficulty in math and science can have a positive impact on their present and future.
According to a Department of Education survey, just 16% of American high school students expressed an interest in mathematics, and 28% said they wanted to pursue a future career in science, although 57% of that number would drop that interest by their senior year. Sluggish performance among U.S. students matches this dearth of interest in these subjects. According to Pew research, high school students in the United States ranked 38th out of 71 industrialized and developing countries in mathematics and 24th out of 71 in science.
It is not hard to understand the advantages a science and math-based education can provide for today’s students. It may be harder to persuade young people that STEM education is something they should focus on and want to do with their lives. Talking with children about science, involving them in enrichment activities, and providing tutoring and guidance to take the difficulty out of math and science subjects can encourage kids to make educational choices that will have a positive impact on their adult lives and careers.
Talking to Kids About Math and Science
Introducing math and science to kids in conversations around the dinner table, in the car, or in the grocery store can be subtle but effective ways of getting children interested in these subjects early. For instance, you can hand your child a receipt from the supermarket and discuss how much you would have paid for the chicken if you had purchased two and a half pounds instead of two pounds or discuss calculating which gas station provides the better value.
Children are instinctively fascinated with science and often ask questions about why the seasons change and how things grow. When science and math are related to real-world situations, children tend to show more interest. It is often in the upper grades when math and science become more conceptual, students In addition, doing activities involved with science can be enjoyable and instructive. Science experiments, chemistry clubs, and science summer camps can all foster an ongoing interest in math and science and can influence future career decisions.
Providing Guidance Through Tutoring
Young children tend to be interested in math and science, but they tend to hit obstacles in late middle school and high school as more memorization is needed and math and science seem less directly related to real-world examples. To help students through this period, tutoring can be the answer to building a student’s confidence and helping them understand through individualized instruction the concepts they are struggling to master.
Tutors have the advantage of experience and training and, unlike a teacher, are available to work with your child one-on-one and explain things in a way that makes sense to the student. Working with a tutoring agency such as Tutoring Tactics is a great option for finding the right tutor. These agencies have a pool of tutors who are trained, carefully screened, and matched with students. Also, a tutoring agency can provide customer service and oversight.
Improving Your Child’s Prospects
STEM-oriented education can create career stability and satisfaction for many students. Encouraging kids to become interested in math and science subjects early on, getting them involved in clubs and enrichment activities, and providing support through tutoring can make learning math and science pleasant for kids and can inspire them to pursue and lucrative and fulfilling career in the future.
Is The U.S. Lagging Behind The World In Math And Science?
During the Cold War, there was much talk in the U.S. about improving funding for math and science programs to compete with the Soviets. The Cold War has been over for decades, and one may wonder what has happened to the intense competition once over math and science achievement. Perhaps the gap has closed somewhat?
According to the Pew Research data from 2015, students in the United States are right around the middle in the areas of math and science and fall behind many other industrialized countries.
These results were derived from the PISA test or the Programme for International Student Assessment. The test measures reading, literacy, math, and science abilities among 15-year-olds in industrialized and developing countries. The United States ranked only 38th math and 24th in science out of 71 countries. Out of the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. placed 30th in math and 19th in science.
How To Support A Child Who Has Difficulty With Math And Science
Math and science are not often subjects about which students are neutral. Some students love math and/or science, can’t wait for class to start, discuss concepts outside of class, and look for opportunities to learn more and apply their knowledge. Other students dread the thought of math or science classes, even if they are gifted in other areas, such as English, languages, and visual art.
Math and science are not monolithic when it comes to these difficulties. Some students may love geometry but feel numb during algebra class. There are students who are eager to hit the chemistry lab but can’t seem to grasp the basics of physics. Math anxiety is a real phenomenon and students can feel intimidated by these subjects, particularly when they are both abstract and cumulative.
Falling behind one day can lead to a feeling of being lost for weeks and since the material may not be about readily perceptible objects but numbers, and it can be a challenge to get back on track of comprehending the material. There are several ways parents can support their children who are struggling with math or science.
One way is to understand the source of their problem, the next is finding ways to illustrate concepts, if possible, and the third and often the most effective solution is to hire a tutor to help the student through the process of understanding math and science and catching up on missed work.
Identifying the Problem
To understand your child’s difficulties with math and science, it is important to get an idea of the changes that occur in a typical curriculum between grade school, middle school, and high school. Children are introduced to the concept of math through practical problems that are related to their day to day life, such as counting, simple addition, and subtraction, multiplication and division. They are taught to recognize shapes they see as part of their everyday reality. Science experiments deal with the real world and they learn about how their body’s function, how plants grow, and things they relate to constantly.
As a child advances in school, math and science topics become more abstract. This can be fascinating to many students but others, particularly those who are visual and verbal learners, may suddenly feel lost. Also, memorizing theorems and multiplication tables can seem tedious to some students, but not doing so can cause a student to fall behind quickly.
In addition to changes in the curriculum as a child reaches higher grades, there are certain learning differences that can make a quick acquisition of math and science concepts a challenge. Students with dyslexia, dyscalculia, or difficulty to do mathematical calculations and ADD and ADHD should be assisted by experts in teaching children with learning differences, and it is essential for parents of children with these issues to understand the challenges.
Providing Support
Parents who are adept at math and science can help their children navigate their way through their coursework. Even those adults who have struggled with the subjects may provide support and at least let their children know that they understand their difficulties. Doing homework with your child can be an important way of letting him or her know you are on their team, even though you both may not be able to get all of the right answers together. Being involved and showing concern can motivate a child to understand since self-esteem plays a significant part in academic difficulties.
Hiring a Tutor
Hiring a tutor can be the most effective way to help your child through math and science courses. A trained tutor can see observe your child learning from an objective point of view and can have insight on how your child approaches problems and concepts and how this approach can be improved. Also, a tutor from a reputable agency has been trained and screened to provide personalized educational strategies to help children solve math problems and grasp scientific concepts.
It may be tempting simply to hire a tutor from the neighborhood, but finding a trained tutor from an agency with a solid reputation is likely to be a better choice. It can be beneficial, and less embarrassing for the child, to work with someone who isn’t from the neighborhood, school, or a family friend. Agencies train, screen, and pair their tutors with students who make the best match. Also, tutoring companies, such as Tutoring Tactics, provide oversight and support to ensure a productive student-tutor relationship.
Giving Your Child the Tools to Master Math and Science
Trying to understand the source of your child’s difficulties with math and science subjects, providing hands-on support, and hiring the right tutor for your child are effective ways of helping your child face the challenges of a changing curriculum. Once he or she has overcome difficulties in one area of study or topic, your child will have the tools to face challenges in future courses and in the real world.
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