
We are here to share information about our COURSES and TEACHING, so to invite you to open yourself to study for understanding all through MEDITATION.
We are able to offer you: … direct connecting with TEACHER … to join 3-month on-location COURSE or ONLINE meeting via Skype or similar media ** study occurs in winter-season on-location & throughout the year via online meetup.
Online and Offline Meditation coursess
About Us !
TEACHER is the center to our study program. From him comes explanation, continuous guidance for you with an aim to establish thought-free seeing, which lets all knowledge reach in you freely, with power, all the time. As more you move together, thought-activity which withholds you from knowing how all end.
It is a journey where you need steady instruction on all aspects of life to realize what leaks your energy and how to restore your power. The teacher takes care, creates space for understanding and empowers you to be fully on the path of self-knowing.
Come to us now – you have a possibility here to know open vision which enables you to move through life without worry, problems, sufferings, finish doubts and be self-reliant in all circumstances. We have to wish to create an appropriate environment within you to restore sensitivity in the body.
Your intent to learn is sufficient quality to proceed here. As your power to learn increases by continued connection with the Teacher, your understanding shifts into endless truth knowing. Come to us for cleansing all which withholds you from knowing self every moment.
Dear student, work with care on connecting with Teacher, show him all you have – all your worries, happiness, hidden kept tendencies, feelings, thoughts… and by engaging fully, your connection with Teacher develops and transforms your understanding, you begin to grasp all that teacher says speedily and without confusion.
Open yourself intently, listen all carefully, follow teachings given to you with all your might, fulfill your responsibilities – by doing so, your power to understand increases, you can feel satisfaction, strength, calm. By this, stability creates and you realize Teacher’s teaching for you – eternal freedom.
START NOW! Be with us for 3-months – rest, acquire strength, cleanse all senses, move together with Teacher, become MEDITATOR. Teacher establishes the necessary atmosphere for your self-knowing endeavor, feeds you with truth and knows how to support reach one individually until independence creates in you.
Teacher gives you the power to fulfill orders. Your job is always to remain in contact with your TEACHER, to try to open and fulfill TEACHING given to you thoroughly, it is only then awareness becomes visible in you.