
Nikunj Jain, Group Strategy, Mahindra, will join as a specialist at theconversation "Advanced to Physical - The effect of social selling, distantstock, and customization… is it still a store?" at In-Store Asia 2019(presently a piece of the group of EuroShop Düsseldorf, the world's #1 retailreasonable), the biggest retail experience exhibition and show in the Indiansubcontinent. The impending release of the occasion is booked to be held duringMarch 14-16, 2019, at Bombay Exhibition Center, Goregaon, Mumbai.
A local ofBombay with an assorted foundation and instruction (Design Styling from Collegefor Creative Studies - the USA, Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech -USA, and an MBA in Market methodology from SP Jain (Bombay), Nikunj accompaniesworldwide involvement with Concept Design + Styling. He has worked with theTata-JLR bunch, General Motors, and Volkswagen USA. At Tech Mahindra he ispresently occupied with building a culture of Design+Strategy. His emphasis ison expanding the reception of Electric Vehicles across India through anassociation with significant Fleet organizations and is associated with holdingthe principal Group Design Competition for the Executive level to featureclient experience and plan.
Nikunj Jain, the group strategy, Mahindra, will join as a panelist in the"Digital to Physics: The Impact of Social Sale, the remote inventory andthe personalization ... Is it still a store?" In Asia at the 2019 store(now a part of the EURO SHOP FAMILY Düsseldorf, the world's retail fair), theexperience and convention of larger retail experiences in the Indiansubcontinent. The next edition of the event is scheduled to be carried out fromMarch 14 to 16, 2019, in Bombay Exhibition Center, Goregaon, Mumbai.
A native ofBombay with a diverse background and an education (design of college-style forcreative studies: the United States, Mechanical Engineering of Virginia Tech -USA UU and an MBA in the market strategy of SP Jain (Bombay), Nikunj comes withglobal experience in design + style design. He has worked with the Tata-JLRgroup, General Motors, and Volkswagen USA. Tech Mahindra is currently committedto the construction of a design culture + strategy. Your approach is inincreasing the adoption of electric vehicles India in India. An associationwith the main fleet companies and is involved in the celebration of the firstgroup design competition for the executive level to highlight the experienceand design of the client.