
New Holland presents another 3 cylinder tractor with the name New Holland 3630 Tx Plus. This new tractor will change the meaning of tractor efficiency. New Holland 3630 Tx Plus fitted with the oil-submerged brake and ready-to-drive power directing. This New Holland 3630 Tx Plus is not difficult to deal with and extremely effective to work more than 35 rural works including development. New Holland 3630 Tx Plus is generally utilized for crops like rice, wheat, sugarcane, onion, potatoes. Its vigorous plan can do any sort of harsh business related to cultivating. You can utilize the most recent executions with this work vehicle, for example, rotavator, cultivator, and grower. This 55 HP tractor can produce up to 47 HP PTO.
New Holland 3630 Price starts from Rs. xx Lakhs to Rs. xx Lakhs. New Holland 3630 tractor is liked by farmers who have a normal rural region and utilize cultivating carries out like cultivator, trailer, rotavator, and seed drill routinely.