
MSME / SSI / Udyog aadhar registration in India
Udyam Registration is the new process of MSME/UDYOG AADHAAR Registrationlaunched by the the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises on July 1,2020.
“Any person who intends to establisha micro, small, medium enterprise may file online udyam registration.”
Documents:- The new MSME registration process is completely online,paperless and based on self-declaration. No documents or proofs are required tobe uploaded for registering an MSME. You may still need an Aadhaar card, PanCard and Bank account details while form filling.
What areUdyam Registration Benefits?
- TaxBenefits
- EasyClearance of Pending Payments
- 50%discount on trademark and Patent Fees
- LesserInterest Rates For Bank OverDraft(OD)
- Eligiblefor Mudra Loan Scheme
- ApplyGovernment Tenders Easily
For More Details Contact us:
MSME RegistrationConsultancy Services
CorpAidConsultancy Services Private Limited.
Office No. 101-102, 1st Floor, Gulmohar Apartments,East Street, Camp, Pune - 411001, Maharashtra, India
Contact No. 9112211457
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