Most Patients Consider Microsclerotherapy Treatment To Be The Best Option
Most Patients Consider Microsclerotherapy Treatment To Be The Best Option
. Microsclerotherapy Treatment uses sclerosants like hypertonic saline solution, polidocanol, tetradecyl sulphate, and chromated glycerin.

Spider veins or thread veins are the extremely thin, microscopic veins that are visible beneath the skin and have the appearance of a spider web. Small varicose veins are another name for spider veins. They result from the veins' valves failing, which is what causes them. Swelling results from the blood backing up in the veins. One of the greatest methods to cure spider veins is microsclerotherapy. It entails injecting a chemical known as sclerosant, which gradually kills the veins and causes them to vanish.

The non-surgical method used to eliminate superficial (thread) veins from just below the skin's surface is called microsclerotherapy. Lower limb thread veins and body thread veins respond effectively to microsclerotherapy (below the level of the heart). Veins on the face are not a good candidate. Due to its reputation for effectively removing tiny varicose/spider veins, Microsclerotherapy Treatment is frequently thought of as the preferred treatment for the majority of patients. A solution is injected directly into the vein during sclerotherapy. Blood is forced to reroute through healthier veins as a result of the vein scarring caused by the sclerotherapy solution.

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