
More than 100 industry players and over 60 non-industry players currently claim to manufacture\RootsAnalysis
Owing to various reasons, the demand for celltherapies is anticipated to increase over the coming years. Therefore, boththerapy developers and contract service providers may need to strengthen theircapabilities and expand available capacity. In this context, automation isexpected to be a key enabler within the cell therapy manufacturing and contractservices industry
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The USD 11 billion (by 2030) financial opportunitywithin the cell therapy manufacturing market has been analyzed across thefollowing segments:
§ Type of therapy
§ T-cell therapies(CAR-T therapies, TCR therapies, TIL therapies)
§ Dendritic celltherapies
§ Tumor cell therapies
§ NK cell therapies
§ Stem cell therapies
§ Source of cells
§ Autologous
§ Allogeneic
§ Scale of operation
§ Clinical
§ Commercial
§ Purpose ofmanufacturing
§ Contractmanufacturing
§ In-housemanufacturing
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific
§ Rest of the world
The Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition),2019 - 2030 report features the following companies, which weidentified to be key players in this domain:
§ BioNTech InnovativeManufacturing Services
§ Cell Therapies
§ Cell and Gene TherapyCatapult
§ Center for Cell andGene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine
§ Centre for CellManufacturing Ireland, National University of Ireland
§ Clinical Cell andVaccine Production Facility, University of Pennsylvania
§ Cognate BioServices
§ Guy’s and St. Thomas’GMP Facility, Guy’s Hospital
§ Hitachi Chemical
§ KBI Biopharma
§ Laboratory for Celland Gene Medicine, Stanford University
§ Lonza
§ MaSTherCell
§ Molecular andCellular Therapeutics, University of Minnesota
§ Newcastle CellularTherapies Facility, Newcastle University
§ Nikon CeLL innovation
§ Rayne Cell TherapySuite, King’s College London
§ Roslin Cell Therapies
§ Scottish NationalBlood Transfusion Services Cellular Therapy Facility, Scottish Centre forRegenerative Medicine
§ Sydney Cell and GeneTherapy
§ WuXi AdvancedTherapies
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Market Overview
5. Regulatory Landscape
6. Roadmaps for Overcoming Existing Challenges
7. Automation Technologies for Cell TherapyManufacturing
8. Profiles: Industry Players
9. Profiles: Non-Industry Players
10. Role of Non-Profit Organizations
11. Partnerships
12. Facility Expansions
13. Capacity Analysis
14. Demand Analysis
15. Cost Price Analysis
16. Make Versus Buy Decision Making Framework
17. Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis
18. Key Insights
19. SWOT Analysis
20. Conclusion
21. Survey Analysis
22. Interview Transcripts
23. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
24. Appendix 2: List of Companies and Organizations
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415