The KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error is a common bluescreen error that usually occurs because of a faulty driver. In some instances users also become stuck in an in-boot loop. In simple terms that, this Kmode Exception not handled error results from memory-related conflicts that arise between two or more programs.
Kmode Exception Not Handled Error on Window 10 & 11 - Repair KMODE EXCEPTION HARDLY MANAGED issues in Windows 11/10: I finished my computer's construction yesterday. But, I've experienced some BSOD issues. I found out that they were related to my RAM. I've been overclocking. I then reset the RAM esteems to the default. Following that, I did not have a blue display for about 13 hours of usage under a moderate to heavy load (playing The Witcher 3 and various games) and for 8 hours of idle. But, just as I had suspected, everything was functioning. However, suddenly, I encountered another BSOD I also experienced a BSOD - Kmode exception was not dealt with.