M&A Advisory | Next Bridge Advisors Inc
M&A Advisory | Next Bridge Advisors Inc
Over the past 12 years, I have learned that it is a mistake to sell a business the way real estate is sold. Real estate is static. Businesses are dynamic, living things. If you do not sell a business the smart way, then you are leaving money on the table and risking that your business will fail after it is acquired.

founded Next Bridge Advisors in 2008 after working in the Corporate Development Group at E-Trade Financial.  Our goal is for every business to be owned by the people able to maximize its value.  That has led us to do things differently:  Our pool of buyers is as large as possible because we pay other Boutique M&A Advisory Firms to refer buyers to us. We help our clients explore alternate business sale structures that optimally align interests between buyer and seller.  This grows our buyer pool and increases sale valuation.We apply the economics of mechanism design to implement auctions.  These mechanisms automate the negotiation process by incentivizing buyers to be honest about their valuations and their interests.