
Liposuction Surgery in Hyderabad
Liposuction can sculpt your body by removing unwanted pockets of exercise and diet-resistant fat from the buttocks. Liposuction is often combined with other procedures to achieve the desired shape.
Everybody wants a high definition body. This is difficult to achieve with a strict diet and exercise regimen. A skilled cosmetic surgeon can perform liposuction to give a high definition look to almost all parts of the body. It can be done in one stage or multiple stages depending on the parts involved. High definition can be used for both males and females. This is mainly done for those who want to compete in competitions and for those who wish to have it. Females want sculpted looks with curves and contours. Docplusindia Offers All These Options
Liposuction Surgery in Hyderabad is an intrusive surgery that is done to improve the body's contours and proportions by removing excess fat deposits between the skin and muscle. The main target areas are usually the stomach, hips, thighs, and arms. These areas are often immune to diet and exercise. Liposuction may also be called fat removal surgery. This involves "vacuuming out" fat cells from larger, more prominent "problem areas". You will need to be anesthetized and there is a 5-6 day downtime. Liposuction is a more noticeable treatment than Chill Sculpt and is considered a "one-and-done" procedure. The procedure is more immediate than other methods because the fat cells are literally removed during the procedure, rather than being left to be eliminated naturally through your body. Although patients still experience some swelling, they are ready to see the results immediately after surgery. This is a serious point for people who are looking to reduce their fat quickly and thoroughly.
Common Problem Areas That Will Be Treated With Liposuction Surgery Are:
- Arms
- Inner and outer thighs
- Stomach (Or Abdomen)
- Hips
- Knees
- Chin
Liposuction can be performed on any part of the body. Docplusindia is committed to providing the best possible procedure for our patients.
Docplusindia - Learn More About the Value of Liposuction Surgery
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What is Liposuction? What is it?
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure to get rid of small areas of unwanted body fat. Lipo is performed on areas of the body that are susceptible to fat deposit build-up, such as the stomach, hips, hips and arms.
How is liposuction done? May Be A Common, And Understandable, Question. Liposuction Can Be Performed Under General Anaesthetic or Under Local Anaesthetic with Sedation. A small incision is made around the area to be treated by your surgeon. Then, a thin plastic tube called a cannula is inserted. The Cannula is attached to a strong vacuum device that removes the fat quickly and efficiently.
During your consultation, we will walk you through the method step-by-step. This is one of the most straightforward obesity clinics. Take a look at the Before and After photos of surgery.
Liposuction Surgery Procedure
Liposuction or Fat Removal Surgery Can Be Performed Under General Anaesthetic, Or Under Local Anaesthetic with Sedation. It is usually treated as an individual case, meaning you won't need to stay in curls and curls overnight. The procedure usually takes between one and two hours to complete depending on the extent of the fat being removed. Before inserting a thin, plastic tube called a cannula, DR. Girish will make a small incision within the area being treated. The opposite end of this cannula is attached to a strong vacuum device that removes the fat quickly and efficiently.
You will need to book a meeting where a nurse will assess your BMI (Body Mass Index). This will ensure that the procedure is suitable for you. Liposuction is not recommended for those who are very overweight. There are physical limits to the amount of fat that can be safely removed from the body. Liposuction may be a better option for body sculpting than weight loss.
The results and benefits of liposuction vary, and each person's experience will be different. Certain results cannot be guaranteed.
Is Liposuction Surgery Right for Me?
Liposuction Surgery
There are many reasons why people prefer to have liposuction in Hyderabad.
- Areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise
- Unbalanced Figure - This is a sign of women who are particularly pear-shaped and have a tendency to store fat within the hip area, giving rise to a scarcity of self-confidence and embarrassment
- Kick-Start to a more controlled eating or exercise regime
- It is often enough to motivate and encourage a healthier lifestyle by removing unneeded fat.
Who Should Get Liposuction?
Ideal Liposuction Candidates Are At or Just Below Their Target Weight. However, they have Discreet Resistant Fat Deposits that aren't able to resist a diet and exercise program. Liposuction Should Not Be Considered As A Weight Loss Operation. The Aspirated Fat Weight Is Very Small Compared To The Total Weight. Clothes will fit better if you target specific fat deposits. This can help to give the appearance of serious weight loss.
What happens after I have Liposuction Surgery
In order to get the best results in a specific area, you may be advised to lose weight before your surgery. After you consult, it is a good idea to discuss your expectations with him. The results will be more successful if this is done together.
Doctor will discuss your smoking habits and any other medication with you at your consultation. Doctor will advise you if you are to discontinue and/or resume these activities.
The Day Of Your Liposuction Surgery
Doctor will visit you in your room and draw marks around the areas to be treated. He will also obtain your final consent and answer any eleventh hour questions you may have. The operation is performed under a general anesthetic, or local anesthetic with sedation, and takes one to two hours. An incision is made to insert the cannula to extract the fat. Sometimes, this is closed with a stitch or dissolvable suture. After you are awake from your anesthetic, a support garment will be applied. You will be given painkillers and should take antibiotics.
After Liposuction Surgery
Doctor Will Discharge You. You will be given painkillers and should take antibiotics. You will need someone to accompany you/collect you home.
Liposuction Recovery Times
Although swelling, bruising and soreness to the world are normal after liposuction surgery, this can disappear within one to two weeks. But, the complete results of the surgery are often not seen until six weeks after surgery. Then, when the world returns to normal, incisions have fully healed. The incisions are so small that any scarring will be minimal and can fade quickly over time, leaving you with smooth skin within the treated area. Doctor will advise you once you can resume normal daily activity and exercise, but normally, you'll be asked to take one to two weeks off work to recover. To protect the treated area, you will need to wear a post-surgery support garment.
Things to Consider
You must carefully consider your decision to undergo a facelift procedure. Before deciding to undergo any type of cosmetic treatment or surgery, there are many things you should consider.
Doctor will also discuss the possible risks associated with any operative procedure and answer any questions you may have at your consultation. This is your chance to discuss your intended surgery so that Doctor can determine what realistically can be achieved.
Our nurses will advise you to think about the following things before your surgery:
- Post-Surgery Care and Child Care, including Sleeping Arrangements.
- Be sure to have the right post-operative garments.
- What will the consequences of treatment keep me away from my usual activities for so long?
- How will I be able to judge the results of treatment?
- What is the average time that results last?
- When can I return to work?
At Docplusindia Our Aftercare Is Second To None. A specially trained face-lift nurse will be there to guide you through the procedure and aftercare