
LightningLawyers is a legal consultation and facilitation platform that givesindividuals access to high-quality legal consultation, at the click of abutton. The platform is designed to help users with common legal issues. Alongwith providing on-demand legal consultation, the platform has a readyrepository of essential legal documents that the users can get access to bybeing a member of the platform. Founded by a team of certified lawyers, theplatform is conceptualized to remove the obstacles related to legal help forbusinesses and individuals.
Theplatform was designed in the form of a corporate website with specific sectionsfor legal help, documents and membership dashboard. As the clientele wasglobal, a translation mechanism was integrated to make it more appealing tousers across multiple countries and regions. Further, a live chat feature wasalso added to the platform for easy interaction with expert lawyers.
X-Byte Enterprise Solutions is aglobal digital agency with presence in 3 continents and customers in 24+countries. We offer 360 degree turnkey solutions on Web, Mobile, Cloud and IoT.
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