
To order this 540+page report, which features 175+ figures and 200+ tables, please visit this -
The USD 2.7 billion and USD 600 million (by 2030)financial opportunity within the large volume wearable injectors market for thedelivery of insulin and of non-insulindrugs, respectively, has been analyzed across the following segments:
§ Typeof Device
- Patch Pump / Injectors
- Infusion Pump / Injectors
§ ProductUsability
- Disposable
- Re-usable
§ TherapeuticArea (for non-insulin drugs)
- Neurological Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Oncological Disorders
- Infectious Disorders
§ Key geographical regions
- North America
- Europe
- Asia Pacific
The report Large Volume Wearable Injectors Market (5th Edition), 2020-2030:Focus on Bolus, Basal and Continuous Delivery Devices.” features the following companies, which we identified tobe key players in this domain:
§ Becton Dickinson
§ Bespak (subsidiary of Consort Medical)
§ CeQur
§ Debiotech
§ Eli Lilly
§ Enable Injections
§ Insulet
§ Medtronic
§ PharmaSens
§ Roche
§ SOOIL Development
§ Sonceboz
§ Sensile Medical (acquired by Gerresheimer)
§ SteadyMed Therapeutics (acquired by United Therapeutics)
§ Tandem Diabetes Care
§ Weibel CDS (acquired by SHL Medical)
§ West Pharmaceutical Services
Table of Contents
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. LargeVolume Wearable Injectors: Current Market Landscape
5. ProductCompetitiveness Analysis
6. LargeVolume Wearable Injectors: Key Players
7. DrugDevice Combinations: Tabulated Profiles
8. Partnershipsand Collaborations
9. KeyAcquisition Targets
10.Patent Analysis
11. LargeVolume Wearable Injectors: Likely Drug Candidates
12. EmergingTrends on Social Media
13.Clinical Trial Analysis
14. CaseStudy: Role of CMOs in Device Development and Manufacturing
15. Regulatoryand Reimbursement Landscape for Medical Devices
16.Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis
17. SWOTAnalysis
18.Executive Insights
19.Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
20.Appendix 2: List of Companies and Organizations
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415