
Antistaling agents are Preservatives used in baked products to keep them moist and soft (e.g., glyceryl monostearate). These compounds are hypothesised to work by reducing starch water loss. Some preservatives have an aesthetic function, which means they improve the look of the product in addition to preventing deterioration.
One of such Preservative is sodium nitrate (or its nitrite form), which is problematic due to its link to the production of a suspected carcinogen. Nitrate and nitrite are used in the curing of meats to prevent the formation of botulism-causing bacteria; they also give ham, bacon, and luncheon meats their reddish colour. Chemical preservatives are unnecessary, say opponents of these additions, because modern cleanliness and refrigeration negate the need for them. Representatives from the meat industry support its usage, claiming that the natural brownish colour of these foods would be unappealing.
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