
Dr.kalyan Bommakanti, Hyderabad, India (+91-8520003683-WhatsApp only for an appointment).Keyhole spine surgery Hyderabad is an advanced and new technology to minimize collateral damage to bones, muscles, and nerves.
keyhole spine surgery in Hyderabad
keyhole spine surgery in Hyderabad
Dr.kalyan Bommakanti, Hyderabad, India (+91-8520003683-WhatsApp only for an appointment).Keyhole spine surgery Hyderabad is an advanced and new technology to minimize collateral damage to bones, muscles, and nerves. After a successful surgery, you will be able to walk immediately. Get the answer » · How does keyhole surgery work? During endoscopic spine surgery, in order to minimize interruption to muscles and tissue, the surgeon gains access to the vertebrae by placing a series of tubes. Radiofrequency vaporizes the herniated tissue.