
Jurassic World 3: Mistakes From Fallen Kingdom That Dominion Needs To Avoid
Jurassic World:Dominion is an upcoming sequel of the movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Thefan following of Jurassic World movies is huge for a very long time. JurassicWorld is a film based on the captivity of dinosaurs and their habitats. The fanfollowing of this film among kids is on another level. It is an entertainingmovie with lots of animations and graphical effects. The production had madesome mistakes while making Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
Here we will discuss some mistakes that need to be avoided inthe upcoming film, Jurassic World: Dominion.
TwoContrasting Acts
There were two acts in the movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.The movie did not run in a single flow and got divided into the middle of theentertainment. The first act was seen when Owen, the masters of four petdinosaurs, tried to save them from the explosion. On the other hand, the secondact was seen when the dinosaurs started to attack humans, and the whole storywas twisted. In the upcoming part of Jurassic World, this mistake should not berepeated, and the movie must run in a single flow.
HavingAn Evil Boss Villain
The Jurassic Park movies are based on dinosaurs. But having anevil boss distracts the focus of the people from dinosaurs. However, havingsuch characters in a movie is a plus point for the overall rating of the movie,but a film like Jurassic World does not deserve to have an evil boss.
TouchingUpon Ethical And Philosophical Implications
In the film Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, the ethical andphilosophical points were being touched repeatedly, which was not going withthe pace of the movie and created a different view of the film. The makers ofDominion should keep this thing in mind and should not poke into the ethicaland philosophical implications.
CharactersMaking Dumb Decisions
Some characters in the movie Fallen Kingdom seemed to be dumb.In a scene where Ken Wheatley went into the cage of a dinosaur, people aroundthere started screaming in front of a dinosaur instead of being quiet at thattime. These mistakes should not be repeated while making Jurassic World:Dominion.
ShoehornedLove Story
In a film like Jurassic World, which depends upon dinosaurs,people do not like love stories or romantic scenes. In the Fallen Kingdom,there was no point in showing the love story of Claire and Owen because themain plot of the story is dinosaurs and their world. The makers of Dominionshould keep this in mind that a movie based on this kind of genre does notdeserve any love chemistry in it.
GeneticCloning In Humans
Genetic cloning in humans has to be eliminated from a movie likeJurassic World. This is because there is no relevance between the cloning ofhumans and the natural habitat of dinosaurs. Dominion should consider thispoint of the Fallen Kingdom seriously and have to eliminate this.
GivingDinosaurs Evil Personalities
In the film Fallen Kingdom, the dinosaur Indoraptor was seen ina very evil personality, especially when he smiled in a taunting way. Dinosaurshave been enhancing continuously since the time of the Jurassic Park trilogy,but it does not mean to show them too evil in the movie where people alreadyfind them scary. The makers of Dominion should not repeat this mistake of theFallen Kingdom.
ADowner Ending
Although the ending of the movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdomwas full of conclusions and solved all the unsolved puzzles, it should not haveended in this manner. All the Jurassic Park movies had some clues or mystery inthe end. If Dominion is to be the final chapter of the dinosaur’s films, then,Dominion should not be ended with a downer ending. A downer ending can never beexpected by the fans to keep the raised fame and fan following of the JurassicPark series.
DavidRoot is a self-professedsecurity expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats.His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, socialengineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at
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