
Jogos de Empresas
The Strategic Industrial Simulation addresses variousstrategic and tactical company decisions and includes a dashboard for managers.
Manage a small business and face the daily market challengespresents in the entrepreneur's life.
OGG Comex
International Business Simulation for foreign trade. Export,import, and work with the foreign trade challenges.
Do you want to set up an internal tournament in yourinstitution? The Entrepreneur Talent is an ideal business game for fastapplications.
Business games or business simulations are toolsthat pursue to improve the teaching/learning methodology in the academic orcorporate areas. The origin of the business simulation comes from forecastingand demand economic models. Over the years, the organization's internal aspectswere incorporated into the management simulators available in the market.
A business simulation or serious game can be understood as asequential decision-making tool using a pre-established model in whichparticipants assume the role of managing a business.
The playful and competitive characteristics brought by thebusiness game make its application a differential in executive training or evenin undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The ability to make decisions andanalyze the effects they generate makes the simulation interesting, vibrant,interactive and challenging.
The simulations can be integrated to corporate universitiesor even be adopted by online learning and mobile learning also.
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