
Lifestyle and Habits to Grow your Height Naturally
Healthy Sleeping
Get more sleep, don’t have time to sleep still you can take nap’s between your work. A nap will give you the same energy what a normal sleep give to your body. That’s the reason all those cheesy big companies like Google encourage their employees to get power nap’s during their work hours to get more energy in their body which make them more efficient.
Healthy Eating
Take a note of what you are eating, avoid fast foods, alcohol and smoking, these are the real killers of human growth. Include green fresh vegetables and milk in your daily diet. Eat food that are rich in vitamins, proteins, and zinc which will help you to increase your bones growth. Keep your immune system free of viruses and illness.
Healthy and Fit Posture
Work out with your posture, always sit straight and walk confident, not dull. Look sharp and ambitious. In this way you will look an inch or two taller than your normal height.
Exercises to Increase Your Height Naturally
Swimming is a simple exercise which stretches muscles and can help you increase your height naturally. In order to achieve that you will need to do extreme swimming for longer period of times. You can start low and gradually increase your time to swim on daily basis, within a month or two you will be swimming daily for more than two hours.
Hanging and other Exercises
Hang down your body from any pole in the park or from anything in your home so your body stretch. Do sure that your are not touching anything on ground and your feet are above it.
The higher the pole the stronger will be the gravity pulling you toward the ground means that will increase more pressure on your muscles and body to stretch which is good, also while hanging you can bring your legs parallel to your head for even more boost. Do this exercise every day.
Toe Touching
Exercise Ever been to gym class? That’s the beginner exercise they perform there. Stand straight, Lift your arm’s up in the air and slowly let them come down straight until you touch your toes, do remember not to bend your muscles and knee’s. Do this exercise daily.
Cobra Stretch Exercise
It’s one of those things you have to do must in order to gain more height. It’s all about stretching your spine and elongating your body. Lie on the floor face down and put your palms under your shoulder, slowly arch your back and raise your chin to form an angle.
Pelvic Shift Exercise
Lay down flat on the floor and put your hands out to the sides, while keeping your legs bent slowly move your pelvis up. You need to hold the position for at least 25 to 35 seconds for greater effect.
Leg Stretch Exercise
Leg exercise is important to gain maximum height, stretching your legs can put immense pressure on your leg muscles and eventually the knee and joints which can help you to increase your height no matter in what age you are. Let’s try one, stand parallel to the wall and place your hands on it. Now put all of your weight on your both hands and slowly move your right leg closer to the wall.
The Table Exercise
The name say it all, you need to bend your arms, legs and body to make yourself a perfect table. To start, just sit on the floor or any flat surface and stretch your both legs. Now place your both palms on the floor with both of your hands facing towards your feet. Put your feet flat on the floor and push upward (torso).
Jump Rope Exercise
Now jumping rope is often considered a exercise for girls and ladies. But it can do wonders if both females and males adopt it and do it on daily basis. The exercise itself is a simple one. You can use any light weight rope that is not used in your home for it. Or you can buy a decent one from near hardware store.
Spot Jump Exercise
Another simple and useful exercise which will help you to increase your height. It stretches the cartilage in your body. The good part is you maybe already doing it if you play some sports for example basketball or volleyball.
Dry Swim Exercise
Don’t like to swim in water and still want to increase your height by using a alternate method…….you got it. Dry swim is the method of swimming but without water, the benefit of water allows you to swim easily and forces your muscles by putting pressure on it.
Lay down on your stomach, stretch your both arms so your right arm is little bit higher than your left one. Now stretch your both legs, slowly lift the left one up, stay and hold this position of your body for little time as much as you can and then slowly shit your arm and leg
About author
I am certified in addiction counseling, public health, health education, mental health and I am also an AIDS-certified registered nurse with more than 30 years of experience and founder of Hindi health point