
infrastructure in nigeria
Our strategy in Nigeria is driven by Government’s key priorities andpressing issues. These issues include the fight against corruption, poverty,ensuring job creation, infrastructure development and improved servicedelivery.
At KPMG, we aim to tailor and design methodologies for the publicsector, working towards a common goal of strategic thinking, operationalservice delivery and performance enhancement. In addition, we want to play arole in stimulating interactive public and private sector collaboration for thecommon good of Nigeria.
By adopting this approach, we are able to help combine policyimplementation with day-to-day operational delivery. We have organised ourservice offerings to align with the direct requirements of the Nigerian publicsector, and have dedicated advisers who are able to interact with you on manypolicy, strategic and operational issues.
Our local and global success in public sector project delivery isbased on continuous interaction with our clients – listening to their actualneeds.
KPMG in Nigeria continues to build on its long and proud associationwith Government and public entities. We work with Government in all threespheres, Federal, State & Local Government.
Tel: +234 1 271 8955 (or 8599)
Fax: P.M.B. 40014, Falomo
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