
Gastrointestinal Stents (GS) is recommended by physicians as an important therapeutic modality for patients with moderate to severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The number of people diagnosed annually with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has increased steadily over the years. The incidence of fatal gastroesophageal cancers in the world's population has also been increasing over the years. In view of this, it has become imperative that physicians provide comprehensive services to patients with GERD.
Many different kinds of gastrointestinal stents are available, depending on the needs of the patient. Two of the most common types are drug-eluting and drug inelastic. Drug-eluting is a metal-based therapy typically used for patients with perforated ulcers, a severe inflammatory disorder characterized by pus formation within the intestine. This therapy works by preventing the passage of drugs, chemicals, and substances through the intestine. An example of a drug-eluting surgical procedure is the transrectal balloon catheterization, which uses a large number of saline solutions to create a physical barrier in the stomach, preventing fluids from passing through.
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