
Genital warts can be confused with benign conditions such as moles, skin tags, or penile pearly papules (small bumps found around the edge of the head of the penis and also the entrance of the vagina). These are not infections. They're just typical aspects of your personality.If left untreated, genital warts can spread to other locations and grow in size and number. Genital warts, in most circumstances, do not disappear on their own and should be assessed by a doctor as soon as they arise.
Genital warts are small growths that develop around the genitals or anus. They are also known as venereal warts, or condylomata acuminata. If your warts aren't causing discomfort, you might not need Genital Warts Treatment. But if you have itching, burning and pain, or if you're concerned about spreading the infection, your doctor can help you clear an outbreak with medications or surgery.
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