
Surge in clinical trials bypharmaceutical companies for the establishment of lactoferrin is expected to favor growth ofthe global “bovine lactoferrin market saysFortune Business Insights in a report, titled “Bovine Lactoferrin Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Product(Spray-dried, and Freeze-dried), By Application (Infant Formula,Pharmaceuticals, Dietary Supplements, Food, and Others), and Regional Forecast,2019-2026.” The globalbovine lactoferrin market size was valued at USD 507.3 Million in 2018 isexpected to reach USD 551.8 Million by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 1.0%.
An Overview of the Impact of COVID-19 on this Market:
Theemergence of COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill. We understand thatthis health crisis has brought an unprecedented impact on businesses acrossindustries. However, this too shall pass. Rising support from governments andseveral companies can help in the fight against this highly contagious disease.There are some industries that are struggling and some are thriving. Overall,almost every sector is anticipated to be impacted by the pandemic.
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For More Information :
Thereport covers:
· Global Bovine Lactoferrin Markettrends, with detailed analysis on consumer trends & manufacturer trends.
· Overview on supply analysis coveringtrends across raw material suppliers, technology providers and distributors.
· Key areas of investments identifyingmarket opportunities and challenges in forecast timeframe.
· Competitive analysis of the industryplayers along with the overview on strategic management.
· Comprehensive company profiles of themajor industry players.
Increasing Technological Advancements InLactoferrin WillPropel Growth
The risingfocus of key players towards optimizing the manufacturing of lactoferrin. Thisfactor has led to the introduction of new techniques of lactoferrin production,which then offers advanced products into the market.
Theoperational and clinical benefits of the freeze-drying technique have impelledmarket players to adopt the manufacturing technique of lactoferrin.Furthermore, bovinelactoferrin market trends rising demand for bovine lactoferrin due to itsadvantages such as minimaleffects of denaturation of proteins,improvedquality and purity of the finalproduct and better stability.
Theannouncement by Berga cheese Ltd., for the expansion of its Koroit, Australiaplant will facilitate the growth of the market during the forecast period. Forinstance, Bega Cheese Ltd. announced the proposed expansion of its Koroit,Australia plant.
The proposed expansion is estimated to cost US$ 34 Mn andwill double the lactoferrin production capacity of Bega Cheese Ltd.
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