
Warehouse management system is a software that helps in managing and controlling the goods in the warehouses during their retention term there. The moment any goods enter the premise of the warehouse until the time it leaves from there, it is under the functioning and control of this systematic management system. Thus, the main purpose of this system is to ensure that the goods are accounted for correctly and that their movement is tracked correctly.
Top functions of the warehouse managing software are:
a. Inventory management: The goods entering the warehouse services should be entered into an accounting system. This system ensures error-free entering and in a coded manner making it easy to identify and retrieve the items too. There is a distinct shelving arrangement also entered in the system to help the owners find the exact location of the material without wasting any time. Thus, recording, arranging and retrieving of materials and goods becomes super easy and fully accounted for in the warehouse control software.
b. Optimizing picking and put-away of the goods: Movement of the goods is optimized for timely picking and putting away of the goods. The warehouse system makes it easy to take into account the materials that are ready to pick up. Goods fit for put-away can also be found out by taking just a look at the records maintained in the warehouse system. Managers need not go to each and every shelf to complete the process. They just roll out the sheet indicating the goods for put-away. Thus, the whole premise remains organized and need not be toppled over for inventory management and control.
c. Inventory replenishment: The whole manufacturing process can come to a stand-still if the inventory replenishment is not done on time. Thus, to ensure that the inventory is never a dangerous level, the companies make use of warehousing support that keeps account of materials for them. Inventory replenishment has become somewhat an automated process with the introduction of the warehouse control systems and the whole process has become somewhat more seamless.
d. Income generation: Warehousing companies can produce warehouse receipts to generate loans from the banks and financing companies. The finished goods records or receipts give a clear idea of the health of the company, basis which the companies can avail loans for business purposes.
Main aims of the Warehousing Companies
The warehousing company forms an important link in the logistics management chain. The companies need a specialized location for storing raw materials and finished goods. The place should be located at optimal proximity and should have all the arrangements to ensure safe storage. Some of the warehousing companies have expanded their responsibility sphere and also are involved in transportation matters. They may provide the fleet for transporting goods through GPS enabled systems so that the materials never leave the sight of the manufacturing companies.
Apart from storage and transportation or movement, the other aims of the warehousing companies in India are:
· Enhance productivity: Using warehouse management and control systems, warehousing companies are being instrumental in productivity enhancement. The system can help find the loopholes on time and also help assess the warehouse to find better ways of improving its productivity.
· Better space utilization: With the help of warehouse management software, the companies find out ways to create more utilizable space off the given areas. Thus, more items can be managed in the assigned area.
The overall result of the warehousing activities is better customer service. Customers can get the products in the record minimal time and they can get their queries and complaints resolved too without waiting much. Thus, warehouse companies do contribute to the brand value using warehouse management software as their tool.