How To Store Your E-Liquid And Preserve Its Flavour
How To Store Your E-Liquid And Preserve Its Flavour
From this guide, you will learn how to store your e-liquid to preserve its flavour when you buy vape online.

How To Store Your E-Liquid And Preserve Its Flavour

When you buy vape 個人輸入(vape private import), you should know how to store it to preserve its flavour. Despite the chemical makeup of e-liquids, they are just as perishable as most food products. This means that they should be stored properly. E-juices have a good lifespan but when they break down, they will ruin your vaping experience. It is therefore important to note that PG is a synthetic substance that happens to be resistant to decay. However, both nicotine and VG are organic and they deteriorate over time.

If nicotine and VG go bad, you will notice it immediately. The e-liquid will suddenly take on a sour flavour and aroma. This is common in fruity e-juices. Fortunately, storing your e-juice properly is very easy and will help prolong the flavour quality and the life of your e-liquid. Here are some storage tips for your e-juice.

Avoid heat

E-juices do not like heat. This is the main reason why they should be stored in a cool place. Heat affects the molecular behaviour of your e-liquid and this change leads to decay or altered flavour. Keeping your e-juice at comfortable room temperature is highly recommended. However, a lot of users store it in a freezer or fridge. Do not worry since e-juice does not freeze solid. It will be thicker after being exposed to cold. So, if you store it in a fridge, you should give it some time to warm before vaping it. When you buy vape, you should also check how the vape store vendors store the e-juices. If they do not store properly, you shouldn’t buy from them.

Freezing is the best way to store your e-juice for the long term. However, you should keep in mind that it will reduce the flavour. However, if you will not be using the juice anytime soon, it is better to store it in a fridge or freezer rather than letting it spoil.

Keep your e-liquid away from light and air

Fresh air and sunlight might be good for your health. However, they are a killer against e-juices especially e-juices with nicotine. Both light and air cause oxidation that breaks down the nicotine within the e-juice. You might notice a change in colour as the nicotine turns brown due to oxidation.

If this happens to your e-juice, do not worry since certain flavours such as tobacco and coffee tend to undergo this change easily. Some air will get trapped whenever you open and close the container of your e-liquid. However, leaving it open for a long time will speed up the oxidation.

Choose the right container

When you buy vape 個人輸入, (vape private import) it comes in glass or plastic bottles. In most cases, you do not have a choice. If you want short term storage of your vape juice, plastic will serve the purpose as long as you avoid air, heat and light. However, plastic can be reactive and over time the container will increase the decaying speed. Glass is great for long stints in the cupboard, fridge or anywhere. The material does not react with its content.