
A well-designed strategy is required for the preparation for the IBPS Bank Clerk exam. Each subject is equally important, and a different strategy is required.
The best strategy to prepare for the General Knowledge Section is by covering all the important topics on which the majority of the questions are based on the examinations.
The General Awareness part in the IBPS Bank Clerk exam is an important section. It contains 50 questions on General Awareness totaling 50 marks, which must be solved in 35 minutes. It is a common mistake made by several aspirants that they strategize to prepare for this section at last. This is a subject you cannot learn. You have to memorize it, which cannot be done when the exam is due in a few days.
The General Awareness section consists of static GK and Current Affairs. While the Current Affairs section covers everything else, there is no specific syllabus for GK. The topics have wide coverage, and you need to prepare this subject just like you prepare quantitative aptitude. Consistency is the key to score well in this subject.
The IBPS Prelims exam only consists of three subjects- English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability. The exam pattern of the IBPS Bank Clerk Exams- Mains is different. Hence, preparing well for GK is mandatory to crack the IBPS clerk exam.
Ways To Prepare GK For IBPS Bank Clerk Exams
For every banking aspirant, it is essential to follow these tips to obtain good marks in this section.
Get The Best GK Books
By best, it means which is best for you. There are several books available in the market. The content is the same, but every book has a different pattern and format. You must choose any of them at your convenience. You can only benefit from it if you read it regularly and revise it every other day.
Prepare Notes
At the last minute, you cannot revise the entire syllabus. Summary notes come in handy when the exam is due shortly. Make summary notes during your preparation to revise them quickly before the exam. They are an effective source for revision.
Watch News Daily
Watching meaningful news helps you a lot to stay updated about your surroundings and new developments in various fields such as sports, politics, the world, etc. You can watch the news channels or read newspapers for the latest updates.
Even if you are not preparing for competitive exams, newspaper reading and watching the news is a good habit. Periodicals, journals, informative magazines, etc., are also great sources of information.
Use Internet
In the modern era, everything is just a fingertip away. It is an ocean of knowledge and can be beneficial for you in many ways if you use it sensibly. You can find various ways to learn GK on the internet. There are several applications available for Android and iOS that will feed you with regular important updates to prepare for your GK and current affairs as well.
Keep Exploring
Keep looking for new information and facts which can be useful for your General Awareness section. Search any information regarding any topic on the internet and gain knowledge about it if you think it will be helpful in your exam. Candidates are also required to keep a notebook and pencil with them to write down any useful fact at any time.
Regular Revision
Reading a fact or a piece of knowledge is useless if you can’t remember it. When it comes to facts, you can learn them only if you revise them regularly. Reading the same thing repeatedly ingrains the knowledge in your mind. In the General Awareness section, it is essential. As for revision, it is essential for every subject and every exam, not for the IBPS bank Clerk exam only.
Attempt GK Quizzes
The internet has everything you need to prepare yourself. You can attempt the GK quizzes available on the internet. Several websites offer quizzes and exercises to polish your GK skills.
Solve Previous Year Question Papers
To get an idea about the difficulty level of the exam, you must attempt the previous year’s question papers. It will also help you to know if you have skipped any topic during preparation. Also, you will be able to attempt more multiple-choice questions.
Mock test papers also provide you with an exam-like environment to solve questions. Learn your speed, the number of questions you can attempt in the given time, and practice accordingly.
Common Mistakes To Avoid While Preparing GK For IBPS Bank Clerk Exam
These are some common mistakes that candidates make while preparing for this section. It is a scoring section if you prepare for it with a strategic plan.
Don't leave it to prepare at the end.
Learning it for hours is fruitless. Make a routine to study it daily.
If you do not revise it, you will not be able to pass it.
Do not pick up any General Knowledge book. There are specific books in the market for IBPS Bank Clerk Exams. Choose one from them.
Final Words
A well-designed strategy is required for the preparation for the IBPS Bank Clerk exam. Each subject is equally important, and a different strategy is required. While General Knowledge seems like the easier subject to many candidates, in reality, it is a difficult one with the scope to score if you don’t give it enough time and dedication. The above-discussed tips will definitely help you to prepare GK for your IBPS Bank Clerk exams.