
Colors are a very important aspect of a creative product. They can set the tone and express emotions. Subtle differences in nuances can alter a whole project just by themselves. This concept also applies when it comes to sola flowers. Lots of thought is required when assembling a sola wood flowers bouquet. The artist has to take into consideration things like the natural colors of a certain specimen of flower or special request a client could have made. Mixing colors is also no joke. Some colors just do not go with each other but those who do are called complementary and create lovely contrasts.
What Exactly Is the Color of Sola Flowers
By definition, color is the artistical element produced when light strikes an object and is reflected in one’s eye. This process happens with any given object including sola flowers . Color has three main characteristics. The first one is called hue and is basically used to describe the name of it. The second one is intensity. This is a bit of a no-brainer. It is used to describe the strength (or lack of) of a color. The third and final characteristic is called value. This is used to designate how light or dark a color is. These three together could have an amazingly big impact on a wood flowers bouquet.
Usually, in visual art, studying colors is often called color theory. Having this under your belt could result in a lovely sola wood flowers bouquet. Their value would surely increase if you pitch in the right colors. Human beings can perceive more than 2.8 million different colors. Combinations are said to be virtually infinite so you are never going to run out of ideas. One good thing to bear in mind is how a person reacts to colors. Warm colors evoke good feelings such as love and prosperity as opposed to colder colors that evoke sadness and all that comes with it. Keep in mind that this is an extremely subjective matter. For example, the color blue is regarded as a cold one but for one particular person, it could mean no more than just a breeze of air. This could be a good thing for him and her. A relaxing one. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Studying colors is no easy matter but it will help you understand how and where you could implement them. You will require to create a different sola wood flowers bouquet for a wedding then you would for funerary. Fine details make all the differences. Here are some rough general meanings of colors (keep in mind the subjective manner in which one could perceive them):
• red – excitement, energy, passion
• pink – love, tenderness
• beige – unification, quietness
• yellow – joy, happiness, optimism, hope
• dark blue – integrity, knowledge, power
• blue – peace, cold, calm
• purple – royalty, nobility, spirituality
• orange – enthusiasm, warmth, balance
• green – nature, health, wealth, youth, fertility
• white – purity, birth, cleanliness
• black – elegance, depth, mystery, mourning
Creating the Perfect Sola Wood Flowers Bouquet
However complicated it might sound, painting your sola wood flowers bouquet will be a lot of fun. It might seem a bit intimidating at first but do not get discouraged. Keep trying and you will surely reach your goals. Before starting, you should place a big order of prime materials in case mistakes happen. Having spares will be of great help in the learning process. The main things you will require are:
• sola flowers
• paint – it can be of whatever kind you please but acrylic is best advised
• warm water of any kind – it should be held in a recipient that you are okay with getting stained
• a mixer – this is for paint and it could be a fork or whatever you find fitting
• that’s it, you are now ready to go!
You can find acrylic paint for your sola flowers in most local stores so this should not be too much of a headache. When you get started, you should try to keep the ratio between the water and the paint somewhere around 2 to 1. In short, always have twice the amount of water as compared to paint. There will not really be necessary to make extremely accurate measurements. Just a quick eye scan should suffice. You can take it easy and squeeze paint bit by bit and dying a flower in it to check its potency. If the intensity is not the one you desire rinse and repeat until wanted results are achieved.
The fork comes in the mix when you want to mix the liquids more. This for the integrity of the paint but as well as making sure none of it settles on the lower side of the recipient. Once you consider your mixture to be fully completed you can start dipping your lovely sola flowers inside it. Dipping is an easier way of doing things but you can also paint with brushes. These require a good amount of skill but the choice is up to you. If you just want the flower to be fully dipped into the paint that option is available as well. Just gently use the fork to stir it around in order to get a good and resistant coat. You could use your hands as well as is should not be too difficult to clean the paint off your skin. For different reasons such as wanting a more durable layer or a more intense color, you can dip the flowers multiple times.
The final step consists in training your patience. When you have finished all of your flowers you usually have to let them air dry for about 24 hours. You should not touch them in less time than specified as it could damage the paint coat. If you have carefully selected the right colors for the upcoming event your sola wood flowers bouquet is surely bound to leave a great impression. This way you will make a name for yourself in no time. You might even start considering turning a lovely hobby into a way of making a living.