
How to Know If Someone Has Added You on Snapchat
When it’s aboutsharing videos and pictures easily to friends, there is no good option forsocial media than Snapchat. You can share fun moments at the concert or a photoof a family vacation with friends. Snapchat makes all these sharing easy and tocommunicate with your friends. The concept of temporary videos and pictures isexcellent and even Instagram copied it. Many of us and, mostly, the youngerusers use the Snapchat platform. Snapchat is great in the modern era of asmartphone, but this is for sure that the app is great if you have friendsadded on it who like your content or one who snaps too.
You can share videos and pictures on direct message feature, oryou are posting stories for friends to look in between 24 hours till they areavailable. Snapchat is all about being social with your community; it isnecessary as you build the platform, you fill the list with your family membersand friends on the app. Whether you are looking forward to being close withyour friends that you spend time with or looking forward to catching friendsfrom school and college and follow them on service, it is necessary to havefriends on Snapchat. If you want to add someone on Snapchat, then this postmight be useful for you. Read through the blog and follow the instructions toexecute it.
Howto Send Friend Request
If you want to send a friend request, then you can follow theprovided steps:
- You can apply the Snapcode, which permits you to scan and snap a code of friends.
- You can utilize the username of anyone on the friendlist to add on the app quickly.
- If you have friends number on your device, then you can give permission to scan and check contacts to sync friends, which becomes easy to add them.
- Applying the share option on the profile page of Snapchat becomes easy to share content with your friends by sharing the link.
- Snapchat has the friend suggestion option, which becomes easy to find people depending on the mutual friends depending on the proximity and the one you know.
Findingthe Friend Request
If you wish to find the friend request, then pursue the giveninstructions:
- Once the notification is enabled on Android or iOS, you will get the notification as anyone adds you on the app. An easy process to go to request is to tap on the notification, that will directly open the page of it. It is not as easy as it seems. Thus if you want to go there, however, accidentally notification gets swiped, so you must know how to get there.
- Launch the application which can be open on the device of camera viewfinder by default.
- Click on the profile option at the top left of the display. If you have set Bitmoji, then there will be Bitmoji.
This will show the profile display in which all the options willbe displayed. At the bottom of the screen, the Add friend’s choices will bevisible to you that permit you to add friends. Then the Quick add friends aswell as you can remove or accept friend requests that you have received. Youcan also view how they have added you below the request, which is to easilyfigure out if the account is spam or added you as a friend.
Howto Respond to Friend Request
On the request page, you can also accept or remove the request.Accepting the friend request is easy as there is accept option is availablenext to the request, which allows you to accept a request and share videos andphotos with your friends. And also deny is never so simple as on it. If youneed to deny friend requests, then click and hold on a username in a friendrequest list on the phone. You can open the list of settings with the IgnoreFriend Request option. You may even share the username of a request if you wantto. If someone added is not the right person or you think he might harass you,then you can click on the Settings to launch the display, including the Blockoption to block someone added on Snapchat.
Graccey Leio is a self-professedsecurity expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats.Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, socialengineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton securityproducts at
source : Snapchat