
The wood flowers business emerged from the humble craft shops of Indian craftsmen and has taken the world by storm. Almost overnight people all around the world have discovered that making this type of flowers can mean some serious money, if done right. From weddings to proms and even to more solemn events, wooden flowers can be used to great effect. All anybody that wants to get into this business has to do is find the right wood flowers wholesale shop in order to help with supplies and materials.
What Are Wood Flowers?
To put it simply wood flowers are decorative flowers made out of a variety of light woods, especially sola wood. They can be found in almost every hobby shop, either as already finished products or as easy to assemble kits for your own amusement and art projects. But wood flowers aren’t just small trinkets one buys in order to hand around the house. Over the years the craft of making these flowers has helped numerous people earn a living, especially in the poorer parts of India, where the making of these flowers first appeared.
Garland makers called Malakar would use the core of the Aeschynomene plant in order to make small religious objects, such as statues of deities, or traditional headdresses for the brides and grooms of the Bengal region. This is where the popularity of the wood flowers began. Tourists visiting the Indian sub-continent, or others documenting various parts of the country have come across these traditional head pieces and popularized them across the globe. Soon enough, everybody wanted a small piece of the Indian traditional and orders started pouring in. craft shops where overwhelmed with the attention the little flowers were getting and began creating more and more pieces, with even more complex designs. Nowadays, traditional wood decorations can cost anywhere from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars.
But even this wasn’t enough for the newly created market. Over time people started wanting to learn how to make their own wood flowers, and so started asking for the materials and tools necessary to make them at their local hobby shops. The owners of these shops had to start importing woods and all sorts of tools used for shaping and cutting the flowers. Soon after that, small flowers began being made all over the world. But people didn’t just stop at decorating their own houses with them. They soon started making unique and lavish decorations for weddings and other events. Anything, from the wedding bouquet to the centerpieces used on the tables at the reception, and from prom corsages to traditional holiday reefs could be made to order from wood flowers. The small flowers were the stepping stone in the creation of dozens of small and big businesses dedicated to creating and selling wood based decorations everywhere.
How to Find the Right Wood Flowers Wholesale Shop?
Although craftsmen have been setting up shops all over the world, and have been coming up with more and more unique shapes and models, one can find it sometimes hard in deciding which wood flowers wholesale shop to choose. Is not that there are too many of them, it’s just that sometimes you might find it difficult until you settle on a shop that has everything you need in one place. Some places might have lower prices than others, others might have a wider selection. It all depends on what you are looking for and how much research you are willing to do in order to find what you’re looking for.
There is no simple way of making a decision when it comes to finding the right wood flowers wholesale shop, but there are a few steps one should take before settling on any of the options. Think of these as tips to help you along the way to finding the right shop for you:
1. Look close to home. Although you might not find everything you need, looking at the shops that are closest to you first might help you get a general idea of what the market has to offer. Shops that are closest you might also have the added advantage of not having such a big shipping fee. You could just go in by yourself and pick put everything you need. Also, being closer to you, you don’t have to stock up on materials. You can just pop into the shop every now and then and pick up what you’re running low on. You might even have a surprise and discover that one of these shops has everything you need. If this is the case, then you’re one of the lucky ones. Whatever the case may be, the shops that are closest to you are a good starting point when looking for the right wood flowers wholesale shop.
2. Internet. One of the first places anyone looks when looking for, well, almost anything, is the internet. The world wide web has dozens of links that can turn out to be just the thing you’re looking for. Even if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, you can get a pretty good picture of what others are doing and what they are offering. An internet search is a vital part of any research that is meant to help you decide on the right shop to work with.
3. Straight to the source. Sometimes getting your information straight from the horse’s mouth is the smartest thing to do. First, you should find a bunch of contact details, such as e-mail addresses, telephones and social media pages, from various shops. Then you should just start and calling them up or sending them messages asking them whatever it is you want to know. It can be anything from their material supplier’s list and contact information to how many flowers they can deliver on short notice. Any shop wants to do as much business as they can, so most of them will tell you exactly what you need to know. This can be a great help in making up your mind.