
In Which Situation You Need a Thermal Surveillance System to Detect a Fire?
A thermal surveillance system can include many factors. And depending on the purpose of the system, it can also use different tools. Some systems may only need one type of component, while others may need 4-5 types of components. 3 types of different situations will require such a surveillance system. in some cases, you will need to use a fire detection camera, alarms, and steam showers. In other cases, you can use only sensors and the shower. In situations like those, a simple system will be enough to cope with any possible problems. Most accidents will be prevented, while small accidents will be extinguished before they grow too much.
• Oil and gas industry. Obviously, in the oil and gas industry, the risk presented by fire is very high. For this reason, you need to implement a very rigorous surveillance system that is based on heat-detecting devices. Using only the smoke sensor is not enough because they can react too late to the danger. The best method is to use thermal cameras because they can detect any heat source very fast. If you combine them with the alarms, then you can prevent any accidents much more efficiently than using smoke sensors. The smoke will certainly reach the sensor much slower than the camera’s detecting the heat. And sometimes, the smoke may even luckily avoid the sensors and the fire will grow too much before the alarms go off the showers starts pouring.
• Commercial buildings. As you may already know, most commercial buildings use smoke sensors as the sole component of the fire surveillance system. The danger presented by fire in these buildings is not very high, and the fire will not be able to extend at a fast speed. For this reason, the sensors are enough to sense any small fire that may represent a danger and extinguish it before it grows too much.
• Used by firefighters. Firefighters can and should also use a fire surveillance system. Thermal cameras are not only able to detect a fire, but they can also find the specific temperature of the fire. This can help the firefighters to find the source of the fire and extinguish it from the roots. Not only will the fire be taken care of faster, but many more lives will also be saved by the firefighters.
Why You Need a Fire Detection Camera That is Compatible with Multiple Technologies?
One of the most important factors in a fire detection camera is its compatibility with other technologies. Depending on the purpose of your thermal surveillance system , three different technologies can be combines with the cameras to increase the efficiency of the systems. A camera by itself can only detect the fire, and it will not be able to do anything else. Also, using humans as the sole answer to the fire found by the cameras presents risks in itself.
• Steam shower. The obvious technology that must be combined with the thermal cameras is the steam showers. As mentioned above, the smoke sensor is much slower than the camera. So, in the oil and gas industry, it is better to connect the steam shower directly to the camera. When it discovers a fire that may represent a danger, the steam shower should activate to extinguish it before it becomes a bigger danger.
• Alarms. The alarms should also be connected to the cameras for the same reason. All the workers can find out about the danger much faster and their chance of survival, in case of big accidents, will be much higher. But the alarms can also help in the prevention of an accident happening. And the damages and losses of the company can be prevented.
• Radars. This type of combination is mainly used for military purposes. Long-range thermal cameras can detect the heat of a human from kilometers always. By combining the cameras with the radar, all the enemies can be discovered and described on the radar. But this type of system can also be used by firefighters in the case of a big fire. For example, if a forest is on fire, it will help the firefighters to do their job more efficiently and reduce the damage done to the forest as much as possible.
The 3 Best Types of Fire Detection Camera!
There are three different technologies of thermal cameras. Each of them has different uses and specifications. Based on the situations mentioned in this article 3 types of fire detection camera will perfectly cover the needs of the surveillance systems.
• Oculus scout. Based on the uncooled technology, this camera is very effective in the use of the oil and gas industry. Its best uses are for the inside of the company, to detect fire and activate the steam shower and alarms. It is not the best alternative if you want to keep the outside of the company under surveillance. For that purpose, you will probably want an advanced uncooled camera or a cooled camera.
• Osiris ranger LR. It uses advanced uncooled thermal technology. It is the best tool that firefighters could use. It has a very good ability to detect the temperature of the fire, and it can be successfully used to find the source of the fire. But this applies only to small to mid-levels of fire. For big incidents, it is better to use a camera that can be coupled with radar, and it can monitor a much larger distance.
• Jaegar searcher. Yes, this is the best thermal surveillance system’s camera for big incidents like a forest that caught fire. This model is based on the cooled technology, and it has a detection range of over 10 km. It also can be coupled with a radar. So, all the areas can be kept under surveillance until the fire is extinguished. This will help the firefighters to be more organized, and it will prevent the fire too spread in a too vast area.