
In general, in-flight communication systems employ two types of technology. One, an onboard antenna picks up signals from the nearest ground tower, and unless the aircraft is flying over a huge area with no towers (such as a body of water), the connection will be seamless up to a certain height. Satellites, on the other hand, can be used to link to ground stations in the same manner as satellite TV signals are sent. Data is sent to a personal electronic device through an onboard network that is linked to the plane's antenna. The antenna sends signals via satellite to a ground station, which routes traffic to a billing server, which assesses data use. It is then relayed to the intercepting servers, and to the World Wide Web. This is how In-Flight Wi-Fi works.
Once in flight mode, the plane's antenna will connect to terrestrial Internet services offered by telecom service providers; once the jet has risen to 3,000 metres (usually 4-5 minutes after take-off), the antenna will convert to satellite-based services. There will be no interruption in Internet connectivity for passengers, and there will be no cross-interference between terrestrial and satellite networks.
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