
What Are the Dangers of the Coronavirus Pandemic?
The new strain of coronavirus has assaulted humans like thunder, with the speed of light. In only a few months it had spread all around the world. The virus does not only affects human health, but also the economy and intimate relationships. The main cause of these losses is our lack of precaution, which comes from the spreading speed of the virus. You need to understand that the situation is serious and you must not ignore it. The virus spread very fast from person to person and this is why polyamory relationships must maintain good control over their activities. Everyone should follow the restrictions established by governments. Thus, you should avoid poly dating outside. You can instead use the internet and website that are specialized in polygamy relationships.
The first thing that you must do is to inform yourself about the virus and make sure that you follow all the advice and restrictions implemented to reduce your risk of getting infected at a minimum. By doing this you will not only help yourself but also your partners. Detailed information about the pandemic and the best methods to prevent yourself and your loved ones from getting infected can be found here -
It is the responsibility of every human to follow the rules and stop the virus from spreading. All the requirements, especially the one that forbids goings outside without a reason, have this single goal in mind: to slow or even stop the spread of the virus. For these reasons, relationships that have a higher number of partners must learn to protect themselves and find ways to spend their time with each other without going outside.
How Exposed Are Polyamory Relationships?
Below you will find the 3 main reasons that increase the risk for polyamory relationships of getting infected if they do not follow the advice and restrictions placed by the authorities:
- Jobs. What you should understand is the fact that, without precaution, the road to work and back home has a certain risk of getting you infected. Fortunately, many understand that they do not only expose themselves but their loved ones as well, so make sure that you and your partners understand these risks as well.
- Outside activities. Like almost any other relationship, you and your partners love to get out and have fun at different activities such as parties, clubs, and bars. Although most, if not all, of these establishments had been closed temporarily, it is still very hard to completely stop the habit of having fun outside. Keep in mind that the virus can survive for hours, maybe even days, in the air so it has enough time to infect everyone at these events. For these reasons, it is recommended to replace these events with their online counterpart.
- Shopping. The best method to go shopping is to make a big list with all the requirements for a week or two, select a single member of the relationship and let him make all the shopping. This method is advised by the medical authorities and has the role to prevent the agglomerations formed in the shops.
How and Why Should You Avoid Poly Dating Until the Pandemic Is Treated?
Maybe you are not yet in a serious relationship right now, but you are poly dating and try to get in one. By now you should have an idea about how dangerous that is. Keep in mind that coronavirus takes up to 2 weeks before visible symptoms can appear. What this means is that your potential partners from the dates may be already infected without their knowledge.
For this reason, you need to change your methods. Instead of going outside and poly dating , it is better to use the internet and find potential partners. You can use this period to chat and nurture your feelings. After the pandemic passes you will have all time that you want to go to the next step with your online partners.
Avoiding dates does not mean not having any contact at all with others. The only restriction is physical contact, thus you can use video calls and still see your partners daily. This will also raise the chances of everything going smoothly when the pandemic passes and you can date without worries again.
What Can You Do Instead?
There are a lot of websites, like this one, that can help you find potential partners for a poly relationship. Instead of going outside for dates you can use these websites and search for potential partners, chat with them and build online relationships during the pandemic. After the dangers pass you will be able to meet them safely.
On the other hand, if you already are in a relationship, you can make use of the internet to spend quality time with your partners. There are many games, movies, and a lot more activities that you can use to have fun together with your loved ones. Even on our website, you can find a lot of videos from which you can learn more information about poly relationships. As you can see, they're a lot of activities that do not require you to get out of the home to have fun.
You can use this period to try new things with your partners. For example, romantic dinners at home. This is a very pleasurable activity that not many partners practice. You can play different roles. For example, you can take turns and allow a member to cook for everyone else. Or you can do the opposite, everyone and group together and spoil one of the partners.
Another activity that will help you for the rest of your life is to learn as much as possible about polyamory. You can find many articles on our website from which you can broaden your view. You can also learn from other's experiences and avoid making mistakes. This will improve the quality of your poly relationships.