
How Do I Add Departments In Sage 50 Payroll
If you work in a company with 50 or more employees, you'll need to set up a payroll department in Sage 50. This is a procedure that's different for every company, but the general process is similar. Sage 50 Payroll Departments. First, you'll need to create an Employee module in Sage 50. This module will contain all of the information about your employees, such as their name, address, and contact information. You'll also need to create a Payroll module, which will contain all of the information about your employees' salaries and benefits. Once you have these two modules created, you can start setting up your payroll department in Sage 50. You can set up your payroll departments in Sage 50 by following these steps: 1. Click on the Payroll icon in the main toolbar. 2. Click on the + New button in the toolbar. 3. In the New Payroll Department window, enter the necessary information and click on the OK button. 4. Repeat these steps for each new payroll department that you want to create. Source: