
How can you fulfill all your commercial & industrial real estate needs in Delhi-Ncr, India?
India isamong the top country which is having the youngest populations across theglobe, thus we have a great potential for achieving growth and playing akey role in the Development of our country.
Butstartups in India are falling immensely, some due to lack of funding or wrongbusiness models. The competition is scaling very high which is adverselyaffecting the startups.
Inpresent era it is expected that by 2022 there will be 829 million smart-phoneusers in India, thus this Digital Evolution is leading the Real Estate Industryto a digital Platform.
Propliners Realty isestablished in 2019 which is highly technology driven platform for the Businesspersonals, startups, Industrialist, MNc’s & FDI. Team propliners isspecialist in Providing Office spaces, fully furnished office spaces, factoryspaces and warehouse space onlease in Noida & Gr. Noida which is among the first choice for anyindustrialist in india due to its best infrastructure , connectivity, easyavailability of human resources and uninterrupted power & electricalsupply. In Maximum n of Sectors of noida the metro station will be in 2 km radioswhich will be salute to Noida Authority to boost the development in this regionof Delhi-ncr.
Wealways suggests to a startup to not buy an space its better to take space onlease as it will reduce your fix cost and gives you necessary rights of theproperty to run your business operations. The team is highly skilled and havingan experience of Decades in this Industry. Propliners Realtyis having the largest property portfolio for all your Real-estate Needs. Theteam is highly skilled and experienced in setting up Electronic industries,mobile assembling lines, Export oriented units and we are also having somespaces in Special economic zones where you might get various tax benefits like
1) Ifyou assemble your electronics items there then you might get State GST rebates.
2) Ifyou purchase the land then you might don’t need to pay stamp duty.
3) Theywill help you in providing skilled labor.
4) Un-interruptedpower & water supply with D.G and Ups
Apartfrom this Propliners Realty is having Fully furnished and Barsehell/Raw spacesthose can be furnished either by you or our investors. Propliners Realty ishighly skilled in providing ready to move plug and play office spaces on leasestarting from 500 sq ft to 10 lakh sq ft area.
Afterthe initiative of Indian Government “Make In India”, in 2016-17 many Chinesemobile and electronic manufacturers have come to Noida & Gr.Noida regionlike OPPOO, VIVO, MCM MOBILE,I-TELMOBILE, GDN MOBILE, XI-HI TECHNOLOGY, TIANYINetc are functional in Noida and Gr.noida region they are producing a lot oftheir mobile handset and its accessories in India s Indian government haveincreased the import taxes and applied anti-dumping duties on variouselectronic components. Now as we all knows that Samsung have startedAsia’s largest manufacturing unit in Noida so they are inviting all theirvendor companies from korea and rest of the word to provide them their rawmaterial and other accessories. Earlier the L.E.D lights are majorly importedto India but Now India is one of the leading exporter for L.E.D lights thusmany LED light manufacturers are running their operations successfully in noida& Gr.noida Region.
Wesurely can say that Makein India initiative is highly successful and creating variousjob opportunities in This region.
Propliners Realty ishighly skilled & experienced thus we understand your requirement in abetter way, major developers and property owners are known to us thus it willbe easy for us to give you best suitable deal. Team Propliners keep check allthe property’s legal and other aspects of the property to give you an legalproperty. Our surveyors and back end team is having the largest updated andfiltered inventory tool to assist you the right property instantly. So contactPropliners realty to get the best Real Estate Consultancy services
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