
Healthcare/MedicalSimulation Market Size And Forecast
Healthcare/MedicalSimulation Market was valued at USD 2.27 billion in 2019 and is projected toreach USD 7.70 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 17.8% from 2020 to2027.
Patient safety is a major issue and a prominent concern in thehealthcare industry. The increase in the mortality rate from medical errorsneeds to be controlled. The advent of simulation in healthcare hassignificantly mitigated the death count globally. Thus, the rising awareness ofpatient safety is anticipated to boost the growth of the healthcare/medicalsimulation market in the forecast period. The Global Healthcare/MedicalSimulation Market report provides a holistic evaluation of the market. Thereport offers a comprehensive analysis of key segments, trends, drivers,restraints, competitive landscape, and factors that are playing a substantialrole in the market.
Whatis Healthcare/Medical Simulation?
Healthcare/MedicalSimulation is defined as a training and feedback technique in which learnerspractice tasks and processes under realistic settings and circumstances bymeans of tools and models, such as virtual reality. It utilizes feedback fromobservers, such as professors, peers, actor-patients, and video cameras.Simulation in Healthcare/Medical/ medical as a strategy is used to replicatesome or nearly all of the essential aspects of a clinical situation in order toreadily understand it. Further, it also helps in managing the situation when itoccurs for real in clinical practice. With the technological advancement incommunication, science, and education, health care professionals are now ableto simulate very detailed procedures in order to train the learners in a safeand effective manner.
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GlobalHealthcare/Medical Simulation Market Overview
Safetyis a major issue and a prominent concern in the healthcare industry. Theincrease in the mortality rate from medical errors needs to be controlled. Theadvent of simulation in healthcare has significantly mitigated the death countglobally. Thus, the rising awareness of patient safety is anticipated to boostthe growth of the healthcare/medical simulation market in the forecast period.Research & Development in surgical tools has led to an increased awarenessof minimally invasive surgical procedures. Minimally invasive proceduresrequire specific psychomotor skills. For learning these minimally invasiveprocedures, Simulation provides proper tools. Also, augmented reality is alsoused for training and educational purposes. The AR-based applications are usedto provide efficient care to the end-Users. The increasing demand for minimallyinvasive surgical procedures is expected t offer lucrative opportunities in theHealthcare Simulation Market.
Thereare certain restraints and challenges faced which will hinder the overallHealthcare/Medical Simulation market growth. The high cost of stimulators isanticipated to act as a potential restraint hinder the market at a globallevel.
GlobalHealthcare/Medical Simulation Market: Segmentation Analysis
Healthcare/MedicalSimulation Market is segmented based on Products &Services, End-Users, And By Geography.
Healthcare/MedicalSimulation Market by Product & Services
•Healthcare Anatomical Models
• Web Based Simulators
• Healthcare Simulation Software
• Simulation Training Services
Basedon Products & Services, the market is bifurcated into healthcare anatomicalmodels, web-based simulators, healthcare simulation software, and simulationtraining services. Healthcare anatomical models have been the leading segmentin the past. The segment is likely to dominate the market during the forecastperiod. Owing to the wide applications in several domains like Academics,Training & practicing in Hospitals, and military organizations.
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Healthcare/MedicalSimulation Market by End-Users
•Academic Institutes
• Hospitals
• Military Organizations
• Others
Basedon End-Users, the market is bifurcated into Academic Institutes, Hospitals,Military Organizations, and Others. The Academic institutes vertical isanticipated to dominate the medical simulation market during the forecastperiod. Increased awareness of patient safety and lack of knowledge &skilled professionals for minimally invasive surgeries is anticipated toelevate the demand for medical training in academic institutes during theforecast period.
Healthcare/MedicalSimulation Market by Geography
Onthe basis of regional analysis, the Global Healthcare/Medical Simulation Marketis classified into
•North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• Rest of the world
NorthAmerica has been dominating the market in the past, followed by Europe. Themarket is North America is driven by rising medical training in institutes andhospitals, which are heavily focusing on standardizing their teaching methodsto enhance patient safety. Asia Pacific is projected to have the fastest growthdue to boosted demand for medical simulation and related services andpropelling government funding on healthcare research.
KeyPlayers in Healthcare/Medical Simulation Market
The“Global Healthcare/Medical Simulation Market” study report will provide avaluable insight with an emphasis on global market including some of the majorplayers such as
- Canadian Aviation Electronics, Ltd.
- Surgical Science Sweden AB
- Laerdal Medical
- 3D Systems, Inc.
- Gaumard Scientific Company, Inc.
- Limbs & Things, Ltd.
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Mr.Edwyne Fernandes
VerifiedMarket Research
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