
Gst, Gst Return, gst returns
What is a GST Return?
All you need to know
GST return filing is completely an online process in India.It is very easy and quick. However, it is necessary that returns are filedcorrectly and error-free to ensure that GST credit can be passed on to the nextstage. All you need is GST website login credentials to get started. Once youare registered, GST return filing is mandatory. Non-filing of GST returns entailheavy penalties.
All registered persons under GST are required to filevarious returns. Main returns to be filed are GSTR-3B (which is a monthlysummary) and GSTR 1 (details of outward supplies). GSTR 3B is to be filed everymonth by 20th. GSTR 1 is to be filed on a monthly or quarterly basis, dependingon the turnover. It is to be filed on 10th of every month or quarter, as thecase may be. Finally, an annual GSTreturn GSTR 9 must be filed by all GST registered entities on/before the 31stof December. GSTR 4 is to be filed if you have opted for composition scheme.The registered entities will be required to file GST returns even if the entityhas not done any business during any period. is an eminent business platform and aprogressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance,advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad.Filing online GST Returns is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest! Apart from GST returns, also helps you to fileIncome Tax Returns, TDS Returns, PF Returns and ESI Returns easily. Get intouch to know how to File GST Return in India. Contact EbizFiling to know aboutGST Return filing process. Inquire for GST return filing service provider forOnline GST return, Find out when to file GST return. You may get in touch withour compliance manager on 09643203209 or email info@ebizfiling.comfor free consultation.
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