
Roots Analysis has announced the addition of the “Fragment-based Drug DiscoveryMarket: Library and Service Providers, 2020-2030” report to its list of offerings.
Accordingto experts in this field, fragment-based drug discovery solutions havefacilitated the identification of viable pharmacological leads againstotherwise hard to target biomolecules. In fact, many service provider companiesare offering fragment libraries and support to the medical research communityin order to develop an appropriate intervention to treat the illness caused bythe SARS-CoV-2 virus.
To order this 170+ pagereport, which features 55+ figures and 80+ tables, please visit this -
Key Market Insights
Over 85 firms claim to offer fragment-based drug discovery servicesand technologies
Ofthese, more than 40 players were observed to provide both fragment-based librariesand technologies. It is worth mentioning that more than 55% of the serviceproviders use biophysical techniques, namely X-ray crystallography, surfaceplasmon resonance, and nuclear magnetic resonance, for fragment screening /optimization.
Europe has emerged as a services hub for fragment-baseddrug discovery
Itis worth noting that nearly 50% of the library and service providers engaged inthis field are headquartered in Europe. This is followed players based in NorthAmerica (40%) and Asia Pacific (10%). Regions within Asia Pacific include (indecreasing order of number of companies) China, India, and Japan.
Partnership activity within this domain has grown at a CAGRof 74%, between 2015 and 2019
More than 65 agreements have been inked in the last fiveyears; majority of these were research and development agreements (55%). Thiswas followed by instances of merger and acquisition (19%); recent examplesinclude (in reverse chronological order) acquisition of PrestwickChemical by Domain Therapeutics (2019), Prosarix by RxCelerate (2019), andSierra Sensors by Bruker (2018).
The fragment-based approach isestimated to save ~35% of the overall drug discovery cost
Accordingto estimates presented in the report, by 2030, the adoption of fragment-baseddrug discovery is likely to result in cost savings of over USD 6 million, persmall molecule. Apart from reducing the overall cost, this approach alsoenables saving in terms of time and other resources.
By 2030, North America is anticipated to capture 50% of themarket opportunity
The market in Asia-Pacific is anticipated to grow at arelatively faster rate (10.9%). In terms of the type of service offered, by2030, library screening (65%) is likely to represent the largest share of themarket, followed by fragment optimization (23%) and fragment screening (12%)services.
To request a samplecopy / brochure of this report, please visit this-
Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leading players in the fragment-based drug discoverylibrary and services market?
Press Release: Current Format
§ What are the keybiophysical techniques used by service providers for screening fragmentlibraries and lead optimization?
§ Which types ofpartnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders in this domain?
§ What is the likelycost-saving opportunity associated with the use of fragment-based drugdiscovery?
§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?
The USD 1.6 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the fragment-baseddrug discovery market has been analyzed across the following segments:
§ Type of Screening TechniqueUsed
§ X-ray Crystallography
§ Nuclear MagneticResonance
§ Surface PlasmonResonance
§ Other ScreeningTechniques
§ Type of Service Offered
§ Library Screening
§ Fragment Screening
§ Fragment Optimization
§ End User
§ Industry Players
§ Non-Industry Players
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America (US andCanada)
§ Europe (UK, France,Germany, Spain, Italy, and rest of Europe)
§ Asia-Pacific (China,Japan, India, and rest of Asia-Pacific / rest of the world)
Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom thefragment-based approach significantly simplifies the drug discovery process.The report includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the followingexperts:
§ Jean-Yves Ortholand (Co-founderand Chief Executive Officer, Edelris)
§ Björn Walse (Chief ExecutiveOfficer, SARomics Biostructures)
Theresearch covers profiles of key players (listed below); each profilefeatures an overview of the company, its financial information (ifavailable), information related to the fragment-based drug discoveryfocused service portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.
§ 2bind
§ Charles River Laboratories
§ ChemAxon
§ ComInnex
§ Creative Biolabs
§ Creative Biostructure
§ Domainex
§ Evotec
§ Red Glead Discovery
§ SARomics Biostructures
§ Shanghai ChemPartner
§ Sygnature Discovery
§ Vernalis Research
Foradditional details, please visit or email
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