
According to anew market report published by Industry Probe, the global personal protective equipment market isexpected to reach US$ 58.9 Bn by 2027 and expand at a CAGR of 6.3% from 2019 to2027.
The report states that the global personal protective equipment market wasvalued at US$ 34,208.6 Mn in 2018 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.3% from2019 to 2027. Rise in awareness about safety at workplace is anticipated to fuelthe global market for personal protective equipment during the forecast period.From a regional perspective, North America held a prominent share of the globalpersonal protective equipment market in 2018 followed by Europe and AsiaPacific. Apart from these, Middle East & Africa is expected to be a keyupcoming market for personal protective equipment during the forecast period. Risein construction activities, rapid urbanization, and stringent government regulationsare projected to drive the personal protective equipment market in the region.
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Apart from these, rise in demand for personalprotective equipment from different end-use industries, such as manufacturing, construction,mining, oil & gas exploration, automotive, transportation & logistics,and chemicals, is anticipated to drive the market. Many developed as well asdeveloping regions, such as North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe haveimplemented stringent regulations mandating the use of personal protectiveequipment at workplace. Strict regulations have been imposed by variousregulatory bodies making it mandatory for end-use industries to provide personalprotective equipment to their workers. This has significantly increased thedemand for personal protective equipment. Industrial automation is expected tohave a negative impact on the global personal protective equipment market. Adoptionof latest technologies is another major factor restraining the global personalprotective equipment market.
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The report has segregated the personal protective equipment market interms of end-use, distribution channel, and region. Based on end-use, manufacturingand construction industries are the major contributors to the global personalprotective equipment market. In terms of distribution channel, offline isexpected to be the most attractive segment during the forecast period due tothe preference of consumers for offline shopping. In terms of region, NorthAmerica holds a major share of the global personal protective equipment market,followed by Europe. Governments across different regions have laid down strictregulations related to the use of personal protective equipment at workplaces. Rapidindustrialization and rise in infrastructural activities are likely to increasethe attractiveness of personal protective equipment market during the forecast period.
The personal protective equipment market is dominated by several playersthat are focused on the development of new products to cater to the risingdemand .The report includes the below mentioned pointers of major playersoperating in the global personal protective equipment market:
Ø CompetitionMatrix
Ø Company Overview
Ø ProductProfiling
Ø Market ShareAnalysis (2018)
Ø Product Innovation
Ø ProductComparison Analysis
Ø BusinessStrategies/Recent Developments
§ Technologicaladvancements
§ Key mergers & acquisitions
§ Expansionstrategies
Ø CompanyFinancials
Some of the major players operating in the personal protective equipmentmarket are featured in this report to give a better competitive analysis of themarket and these include 3M Company, Ansell Limited, E I du Pont de Nemours andCo. (DuPont), Kimberly-Clark Corporation, MSA Safety Inc., Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd.,Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Honeywell International Inc., Lakeland IndustriesInc. and Uvex safety.
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