
Digital Manufacturing is the simultaneous creation of product andmanufacturing process descriptions using an integrated, computer-based systemthat includes simulation, 3D visualisation, analytics, and collaborative tools.Design for manufacturability (DFM), computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM),flexible manufacturing, and lean manufacturing are examples of manufacturingprogrammes that emphasise the importance of collaborative product and processdesign.
Without a complete DigitalManufacturing strategy, many of the long-term benefits of product lifecyclemanagement (PLM) cannot be realised. The transmission of product-relatedinformation between design and manufacturing groups is enabled through Digital Manufacturing, which isa critical point of integration between PLM and shop floor apps and equipment.Manufacturing businesses may meet their time-to-market and volume targets, aswell as save money by avoiding costly downstream adjustments, thanks to thisalignment.
Various sectors use DigitalManufacturing. At the same time as designers are planning the next car programme,an automobile original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can digitally design thecomplete production process (tooling, machining, assembly sequencing, andfactory layout). This allows production engineers to provide designers withfast input on part manufacturability constraints. Manufacturing engineers anddesigners collaborate to generate a holistic perspective of product and processdesign.
As part of the request for quote (RFQ)procedure, a high-tech supplier can employ a Digital Manufacturing systemto generate a 3D simulation of a whole production line and examine the manyproduction variants and concepts. This level of transparency and clarity inplanning and proposal preparation helps the organisation acquire client trustand, eventually, win the contract.
Current Digital Manufacturing tooldevelopment initiatives focus on improving user experience by presentinginformation in the context of tasks completed, allowing users to make betterdecisions faster. Direct interface with shop floor hardware includingprogrammable logic controllers (PLCs), machine controllers, and computernumerically controlled (CNC) equipment is being worked on. Unified solutionsfor managing both PLM and manufacturing execution system (MES) data have alsobeen created.
With an uniform and comprehensiveapproach to production design, it allows product, process, plant, and resourceinformation to be related, viewed, and taken through change processes.
Allows part production processes to beoptimised in a controlled environment, resulting in flexible work instructionsthat can display 2D/3D part information as well as machining and toolinginstructions.
Reduces commissioning expenses bysimulating robotics and automation programmes and validating them virtually.
Allows you to construct factory modelsfaster and check that they are working at peak efficiency in terms of layout,material flow, and throughput before ramping up production.
Provides a graphical framework foranalysing dimensional variance, which supports six-sigma and lean projects.
Produces full, verifiable CAD-basedmachine inspection programmes for coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) andnumerical control (NC) machine tools, allowing quality data to be shared acrossyour organisation.
Manufacturers can weave a digitalthread in the production process to analyse data across the product lifetimeand generate actionable processes by using a computer-centered approach.Customer data can also be supplied to product managers via DigitalManufacturing systems, allowing them to predict demand and any continuingmaintenance requirements in order to offer products through customer-centricmanufacturing.
Engineering design is the first step inthe product life cycle, followed by sourcing, production, and service life.Each phase makes use of digital data to allow for design changes during themanufacturing process.
Smart machines, sensors, and toolingare used in the smart factory to provide real-time feedback on processes andproduction technology. This digital transformation enables for increasedvisibility, control, and optimization of production processes to improveperformance by combining operations and information technology.
The goal of value chain management isto reduce resources in order to produce an optimal process with lowerinventories.
As the use of information formanufacturing processes becomes increasingly automated, DigitalManufacturing is expected to continue and increase in the future.
Industry 4.0's growth seems destined tocontinue the trend of joined-up production in order to increase competition andimprove and streamline operations, thanks to systems that can communicate withone another.