
Global Calcium Carbonate Market: Key Highlights
· In termsof value, the global calcium carbonate market is anticipated to expand ata CAGR of ~6% from 2019 to 2027.
· Calciumcarbonate is widely used as a filler or pigment in paper, plastic, and paints& coatings. It is also used as a dietary supplement.
· Thedemand for precipitated as well as ground calcium carbonate in these end-useindustries has been continuously rising. As such, the global calcium carbonatemarket is estimated to expand at a steady pace during the forecast period.
· Calciumcarbonate is used as an inexpensive dietary calcium supplement and antacid.Other applications of calcium carbonate are the polishing and cleaning of rice,and as a cleaning component in shoe polish.
· Accordingto research conducted by the Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri,in 2016, the growth of cancerous tumors can be restricted usingnanoparticles of calcium carbonate. Nanoparticles act on the pH of tumors, andchange the pH from acidic to alkaline.
· Researchersare striving to determine the compatibility of calcium carbonate nanoparticleswith chemotherapy drugs, and the optimal dose of these particles to prevent themetastasis of tumors. The usage of calcium carbonate nanoparticles as a measureagainst cancer is a new development in the medical field. This is expected toboost the demand for calcium carbonate in the healthcare industry.
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Regulatory Framework for Mining Calcium Carbonateto Hamper Demand
· Rise inhuman health and environmental concerns due to release of toxins such asdioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls during calcium carbonatemining is restricting the growth of the global calcium carbonate market. Alarge number of regulatory approvals are required to mine calcium carbonatefrom its reserves. This factor may hamper the global calcium carbonate marketduring the forecast period.
· Calciumcarbonate is mined from limestone. Limestone is essential for maintainingunderground water levels, and excess mining of calcium carbonate could lead towater depletion.
· Dustreleased during quarrying limestone affects the health of individuals. Itcauses allergy in the eyes, nose, mucous membrane, and skin of human beings.Exposure to this dust also causes coughing, sneezing, and nasal irritation.Thus, Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) mandates certain industrialpractices, such as the use of respirators when the concentration of calciumcarbonate exceeds the prescribed limit in the U.S.
· Europehas laid down the CLP Regulation for the usage of calcium carbonate. Theregulation involves the classification, labelling, and packaging of substancesand mixtures. The objective of this regulation is to determine which propertiesof substances and mixtures are classified as hazardous.
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Ground Calcium Carbonate Product to Lead GlobalCalcium Carbonate Market
· In termsof product, the ground calcium carbonate segment accounted for a major share of~70% of the global calcium carbonate market in 2018.The dominance of this segment is expected to continue during the forecastperiod.
· There ishigh demand for ground calcium carbonate in China, owing to rise in theapplication of paper and plastic products in the country.
· Theground calcium carbonate product segment has been sub-categorized into uncoatedground calcium carbonate and coated ground calcium carbonate. Among these two,the uncoated ground calcium carbonate sub-segment accounted for a major shareof ~ 80% of the uncoated ground calcium carbonate segmentin 2018.
· Precipitatedcalcium carbonate (PCC), being synthetically produced, is expensive as comparedto ground calcium carbonate, and hence, is used in only a few applications.
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High Demand for Calcium Carbonate in Paper End-useIndustry
· Based onend-use industry, the global calcium carbonate market has been segregated intopaper, plastic, paint, rubber, adhesives & sealants, building &construction, and others.
· The paperend-use industry segment accounted for a high share of ~35% of the globalcalcium carbonate market in 2018. Calcium carbonate isprimarily employed as a filler in the manufacturing of paper. It is also usedas a key ingredient in plastic waterproof cement and tape joint cement.
· Groundcalcium carbonate is widely used as an additive in plastic manufacturing ininjection molding, blow molding, and extrusion coating. It allows polymers toheat and cool rapidly, which helps in high productivity, output, and fastconversion for plastic producers. It reduces energy use during the plasticmanufacturing process, and minimizes the carbon footprint and greenhouse gasimpact of finished plastic products.
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Asia Pacific a Lucrative Market for CalciumCarbonate
· Thecalcium carbonate market in Asia Pacific is likely to grow at a significantpace, with a rise in the demand for calcium carbonate in China. Highconsumption of calcium carbonate in China can be attributed to factors such asincreasing production of paper and rising demand for paints & coatings dueto increased construction activities in the country.
· India isanticipated to become a prominent market for plastics, globally, in the nearfuture. Significant increase in market size and demand for plastic is expectedto render India as a major destination for plastic consumption. The calciumcarbonate market in Asia Pacific is likely to increase due to growing demandfor plastics applications by 2027.
· The paperindustry in Asia Pacific, particularly in China and India, is projected towitness moderate rise in the consumption of calcium carbonate for its use as afiller, in the near future. China and India are anticipated to be key marketsfor calcium carbonate by 2027.
Calcium Carbonate Market: Competition Landscape
· In November2017, Imerys completed the acquisition of Micron-Ita, a Brazil-basedmanufacturer of micronized ground calcium carbonates for polymer application.With this, Imerys is expected to strengthen its presence by catering to polymerapplications.
· In October2017, Minerals Technologies Inc. announced that it had entered into anagreement with PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills, to construct a satellite PCCplant in Indonesia with an annual capacity of 80,000 metric tons.
· In May2019, Minerals Technologies Inc. signed an agreement with Century Pulp& Paper, a Division of Century Textiles and Industries Limited, toinstall and operate a 45,000 metric ton per year satellite PCC plant inIndia.
Key manufacturers operating in the global calcium carbonate marketinclude:
· Imerys
· MineralsTechnologies Inc
· Omya AG
· HuberEngineered Materials
· MississippiLime Company
· ShiraishiKogyo Kaisha Ltd
· NewparkResources Inc
· ZhenjiangJiande Longhua Plastic Chemical Co., Ltd
· YunchengChemical Industrial CO., Ltd
· NordkalkCorporation
· GlobalCalcium Carbonate Industries
· Calcitd.o.o
· SchaeferKalk GmbH & Co KG
· MaruoCalcium Co. Ltd.
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