Global Biopesticides Market- Competitive Analysis, Trends, Opportunities and Industry Growth to 2027

The demand within the global biopesticides market is expected to risealongside advancements in the agricultural sector. The need for increasing theproductivity of cash as well as food crops has generated tremendous revenueswithin the global biopesticides market. Furthermore, therising volume of investments made towards the development of a robustagricultural sector has also created opportunities for market growth. Plantpathogens are widely used as commercial biopesticides across several regions.This factor, coupled with the easy availability of Pythium, rhizoctonia, andfusarium, has played an integral role in the growth of the global market. Themultiple modes of action pertaining to a single biopesticide has garnered theattention of researchers and analysts.
Transparency Market Research (TMR), in a research report, finds that theglobal biopesticides market would grow at a CAGR of 14.2% over the periodbetween 2019 and 2027. The total value of this market is slated to touch US$6.8 Bn by the end of 2027.
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Advancements in Agricultural Research
Several universities and research centers offer courses in agriculturalresearch and development. This factor has created a plethora of possibilitiesfor growth within the global biopesticides market. The non-toxic action ofbiopesticides, coupled with their natural stint for improving soil fertility,is expected to bring in fresh revenues within the global market. The need tocontrol weeds and other futile materials across fields has also generated freshopportunities within the global biopesticides market. The presence of certaintype of fungi that can kill insects helps in improving agriculturalproductivity. Increased investments in agricultural research have paved way foracademic institutes to take agricultural farming as a mainstream subject.Furthermore, the demand for studying plant genetics and origins have alsorecalibrated the efforts of the agricultural fraternity.
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Advancements in Microbiology to Drive Demand
Microbial pesticides are in great demand across various farminglongitudes. The utility of these pesticides in driving soil fertility hasbecome an area of research and analysis. Furthermore, the origin of thesebiopesticides are microorganisms which in turn helps in maintaining the healthof crops. Biopesticides derived from viruses, fungi, and bacteria are aconstant subject of analysis within modern agriculture. Furthermore,advancements in microbiology have also garnered the attention of the masses.Several distinct discoveries within microbiology have formed the basis ofagricultural development. Therefore, the total volume of revenues within theglobal biopesticides market is slated to rise in the years to follow.
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The leading vendors in the global biopesticides market are making ardentefforts to attract the attention of agriculturists. These vendors are expectedto grow as bulk orders for pesticides become a norm across various regionalterritories. Some of the leading vendors in the global biopesticides market areFMC Corporation, Syngenta International AG, Novozymes A/S, AGRICHEM, andGujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd.
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