
Prosthetics, implants, orthopaedic and orthotic devices (e.g., joint replacement, splints), and surgical instruments custom-made for a patient's specific anatomy are among the medical applications for 3D printing. Anatomical mechanisms for respiratory, spinal, craniofacial, and dental repair have also been designed using 3D printing. Patients will benefit from 3D printing because they will be more comfortable and will be under anaesthesia for a shorter period of time. By eliminating the errors that occur when trying to customise a tool to perform within the constraints imposed by a patient's anatomy manufacturer, the physician using a patient-matched device will require less time to operate. Benefits include improved productivity and easier access to devices for those who do not deserve them, according to the manufacturer. Artificial intelligence combined with 3D printing medical devices is expected to open up new market opportunities.
Surgeons can plan surgeries more efficiently with 3D printing medical devices, which reduces operative risks, anaesthesia exposure time, and infection risk during complex procedures. Patients will be able to recover faster and spend less time in the hospital as a result of this. These factors could have an impact on the global 3D Printed Medical Devices Market's growth. Surgeons are using 3D printing technology to improve the success rate of complicated procedures. Furthermore, this technology is revolutionising preclinical drug testing by making testing on 3D-printed organs, rather than animals, more convenient.
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