
Get the Best Advantage for your MVNO and MNO with Convergent Billing
Convergentbilling is a critical requirement of telcos. The major players in the telecommarket including MVNO andMNO are better served with a convergent billing system. Not solong ago, prepaid, postpaid, broadband, VAS etc. were billed separately. Itused to create huge challenges in plan conceptualization. Packaging one servicewith another was a tough task, and required major alterations in the billingsystem.
ConvergentBilling Simplifies the Challenge
Areal-time Online Charging System (OCS) forms the foundation of a strongmodern-day telecom operation. Whether you are an MVNO or MVNE, it iscritical to have an OCS because:
· A 3GPPcompliant OCS prevents revenue leakage
· Enforcescredit limits accurately and stops subscribers from unintentionally exceedingtheir credit limit
· Leads tothe creation of fully itemized and bifurcated invoices that reflect everyservice charge at a single place
· Managesthe complete account balance of customers, and deducts the service usage fromthe allotted quota in prepaid services
· Rate andcharges every transaction in real-time, and provides MNO and MVNO a clear ideaof current situation
Awell-crafted OCS solution, like the one provided by Telgoo5 can be a greatasset for your organization. It helps telcos gain the greatest advantage overtheir competitors.