
As the year comes to a close, we can safely conclude that immigration has had a strong year, and circumstances don't appear to be easing down anytime soon.
The government has vowed to boost immigration objectives to accept more than 1.2 million immigrants over the next five years, thus the immigration plan for 2021 is already generating excitement. Let's take a peek forward to see what the new year holds for optimistic candidates.
What is the 2021 Canadian immigration forecast?
Well, you got it correctly, Canada welcomes you. If you are an immigrant who has already arrived in Canada and intends to stay permanently by acquiring permanent resident status, or if you have been intending to further your education in our nation, the time is now!
The epidemic of COVID-19 wreaked havoc on many industries, particularly immigration. According to CIC News, Canada acknowledged 341,000 immigrants in 2019 and was on track to accept even more in 2020, but the pandemic shattered immigrant hopes, notwithstanding the the fact that programmes like Express Entry and PNP (Provincial Nominee Program) proceeded to operate despite the government's border controls.
Canada spends money to modernise its immigration system.
Canada will invest $750.3 million over the next five years to improve its immigration system. The extra monies will go toward supporting Canada's unprecedented immigration strategy, which could see up to 1.2 million immigrants arrive to the country over the next three years.
Canada will upgrade the clunky and antiquated paper-based Global Case Management System to a contemporary digital platform in order to achieve this aim. According to the government, this new platform will improve customer service, operational efficiency, and programme authenticity.
Overall, 2021 appears to be a banner year for Canadian immigration. There has never been a brighter moment to consider making Canada your permanent home, with the Canadian government promising to admit more foreign citizens than ever before!
Why is Canada's immigration level so strong?
To compensate for the bad financial and budgetary effects of its ageing population and low birth rate, Canada maintains high immigration levels.
With approximately 18% of the population aged 65 and above, Canada has one of the world's oldest demographics. It also boasts one of the lowest birth rates in the world, at 1.47 births per woman. As a result, Canada will confront problems in the future in terms of expanding its economy and funding government spending. More immigration can help to address these issues by bolstering the labourers and boosting economic growth.
Simultaneously, Canada has had a larger per national intake in the past, frequently admitting 1% or more of its population in immigrants in the decades leading up to the First World War.
In 1913, Canada reached a world record for immigration when it absorbed 401,000 newcomers, accounting for more than 5% of the country's population. A 5% newbie intake today would result in the arrival of 2 million new immigrants in Canada.
Other key facts about future immigration to Canada
As a consequence, additional initiatives such as the Agri-Food Pilot Program, the Rural Northern Pilot Program, and the Immigration Pilot Program have been established to guarantee that the objective is met by the end of 2023.
● Work Permits: A New Approach
Overseas students are incentivised to pertain for an additional open work permit that will be valid for another 18 months under this new work permit programme, which is in vital to keep that students who were unable to find work and gain the useful highly skilled jobs experience required to obtain citizenship due to the pandemic will have enough time to find work in Canada. Over 52000 graduates might profit from this initiative, according to the federal agency.
● The number of people coming to the United States from other countries is expected to increase dramatically.
After seeing a 45.9% drop in citizenship applications in 2020 contrasted to the preceding year, the Canadian Immigration Department has implemented a novel system that allows residents to take their citizenship tests online, becoming Canada the very first nation in the world to do so.
With the new year here, it’s time to plan for your upcoming immigration to Canada. We can help you determine if 2021 is the right year for your Canadian immigration, and we also offer discounted rates for early bird action. If you are interested in taking our assessment or learning more about what kind of professional services we offer visit us online today!