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Foldable Houses | M.A.DI. Home | Citta' Sant'Angelo
Foldable Houses - Madihome is afoldable modular living unit. This construction system allows realizingearthquake-resistant buildings for residential housing.
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Our organization
Madihome is an enlisted and protected brand.
The madihomes are created in Italy and delivered in Italyand all around.
Our group has used the possess information on pre-assembleddevelopment to anticipating, fabricate and build up a selective secludedfoldable structure framework who can be used in a wide scope of requirements.
From calamity alleviation, to private reasonable house andresorts, the flexibility of our framework empowers limitless decisions.
Our test is to change the pre-assembled moderate structureindustry through shrewd, earth cordial plans and creating building structuresand imaginative assembling forms.
with themadihome
Today is an incredible day for us. We have been decided toassemble a top of the line resort in the Mizhrichynskyi Regional Landscape, anentirely significant zone overall known because of the its uncommon plants andremarkable creature species. The venture comprise of 12 madihome to be conveyedbeginning from May 2020. We are glad to participate in such a feasible taskintended to serve an eco-accommodating thought of the travel industry.
Madihome Norway has been granted the Climate-KIC GreenhouseAccelerator Scholarship, which is offered uniquely to the most creative and feasibleorganizations in Norway.
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)contended for the honor with madihome carrying advancement to the landshowcase.
Based on the stupendous PowerPier, the madihome's disregardthe sea through the trademark glass veneer, and hence offer a property adjustedfor what's to come.
The idea PowerPier is where all future development will havea positive impression in the public eye. Because of sunlight based boardrooftops, wave vitality assimilation, wind turbines, and hydrogen vitality stockpilingframework, the development PowerPier will create and store as a lot of vitalityas a little force plant, basically by engrossing the capability of itsenvironment.
Impeccable equalization, without settling on expectation foreveryday comforts and supportability!
Planned by Leon Kolflaath in view of adaptability andadjustment, the PowerPier idea will be a possibility for the developing seawardindustry or associated with land as a zero impression choice for recoveringarea, yet in addition as a need in zones where rising water levels requestanother method for building homes!
Madihome will keep on taking a stab at an economical futureand the atmosphere KIC program is one more advance towards that objective!Together with our splendid accomplices and colleagues, we will keep on taking astab at a manageable and lovely future!
Stay tuned and tail us for update
madihome for Business
Inventive arrangements and short structure time.
madihome isn't only an answer for end clients. Our inventivedevelopment strategy permits you to
- realize the development expenses of the structures withextraordinary exactness;
- decrease development times;
- rules out concealed expenses to emerge.
These highlights consolidate an ideal tenability and solaceof the spaces, plans to adjust madihome likewise for workplaces, responsivestructures and portable represents occasions. Its seclusion is likewise key ininstances of complex activities.
A madihome building is thusly an ideal decision for theindividuals who need to finish their business venture rapidly and no problem atall.
Offices for the travel industry of things to come. Effective,current and economical.
madihome is an exact response to the requirement forreasonable the travel industry.
Right now of the travel industry, a pattern that keeps ondeveloping, voyagers plan their excursion searching for the qualities of biologyand manageability in the vision of the settlement that has them.
Our homes are vitality productive and the wood originatesfrom guaranteed backwoods. Moreover, it incorporates superbly with frameworksfor the inventory of power, essentially lessening the CO2 creation of eachstructure.
The eventual fate of supportable the travel industry is nowhere. Inside everybody's scope.
Plan and warmth
madihome isn't just a task yet an exact vision. It joins thelonging to manufacture something inventive by giving gigantic space to the planand warmth of a wooden structure. Subsequently making a special domain thatremaining parts engraved on all guests.
Contact our group now. Do your undertaking with us.
Italian Company
P.Iva 02265960688
By means of Piano di Sacco, sn
65013 Città Sant'Angelo (Pe)
+39 085.9506199