
Firestarter Remake: Release Date, Story, and Other Details
1984’s Firestartermovie is getting a rebooted movie, and we will discuss the things we know aboutit till the date today, in this article. Stephen King’s 1984’s hit movie is notgetting a remake, and the development and production are under the progress. Theproduction companies Universal and Blumhouse are taking the lead in production.Unstoppable numerous Stephen King films and TV shows presently are on the riseand released as a part of Hollywood. This movie is getting several storylinerecommendations from different writers around the world for the remake for thethird time live-action adaptation. 1984’s film already had a second sequel in2002’s Firestarter: Rekindled, which was a thriller/horror movie.
Stephen King’s films are known for their quality and as amasterpiece. This time he might be thinking of making it very far from theoriginal title and plot because his remaking a do-over is a warranty for it.This is not a bad thing about the original movie that it needs a remake; it isjust may beyond that. The 1980’s novel Firestarter is focused on a little girlwho occasionally possesses pyrokinetic abilities. The first live-action moviewas planned to release in 1984 by introducing Drew Barrymore for the role ofCharlie Mcgee. Despite the fact that Stephen King didn’t write the story forthe film, it is nearly his writing style displayed in the movie. It was one ofthe truthful film adaptation of King’s career.
The movie first, when it came out, didn’t explode fans’expectations, but it was a not too cold or not that cold; it was an adequatesuperhero kind film of the decade. Nowadays, the movie is not even consideredthat fashionable, but it is still a middling reputed movie. However, the remakemight fill the gap that 1984’s failed to do, and this time with advanced CGIand visual effects, the movie might become one of the best superhero movies of21’s.
FireStarterRemake: What’s the Release Date?
It is currently indistinct when the movie’s production withUniversal and Blumhouse is going to initiate, let alone the release date. Theremake project was proclaimed way back in April 2019, along with theOscar-nominated scriptwriter Akiva Goldsman as the director. Scott Teems wasselected for the writing script announced along with the Faith Akin taking therole of director for the project. From June 2018, the post of the producer ishanded back to Goldsman for the Firestarter remake film. Later in December2019, Akin was the only director left in the team, and a fresh director wasselected to continue the project. The newly recruited director has done someimpressive work in the Blumhouse’s indie horror movie The Vigil. After then, nonew updates about the franchise is leaked or announced officially.
FirestarterRemake Cast and Story
When we come at this spot, no information has been exposedregarding the real screenplay for the remake of the Firestarter movie, andin case it goes beyond Stephen King’s innovative novel, then the Firestarter1984 movie did. As well, no details related to the film’s cast have beendisclosed with the public, though casting a similar young girl as Charlie McGeewill be essential. In spite of everything, Drew Barrymore’s presentation is oneof the most honored features of the originallive-action Firestarter movie. Including an actor, for Charlie’s dad,Andy will be equally important, as her dad offers the adult view throughout theoriginal movie viewers can compare to Charlie’s imaginary story. Besides that,Andy, Charlie’s father, also shown to possess some cool telepathy powers on hisown since he has shown to control others’ minds according to his own wish.
Graccey Leio is a self-professedsecurity expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats.Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, socialengineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton securityproducts at
source : FirestarterRemake