
Fildena 100mg pill is a combination of different kinds of drugs. It is also referred to as man is friend or Viagra. It is an independent form of Viagra. Each medication contains 100 mg of sildenafil Citrate. This is also called Fildena 100 blue.
But before taking this drug, people should consult a physician first. The physician will test the blood vessels of the penis to check for problems related to erection or dizziness. He also checks for problems related to the blood flow to the brain. It is usually taken at the end of the day for erectile dysfunction. The manufacturer does not recommend its use for the short term because it may cause problems with the heart and blood vessels.
There are some mild side effects of Fildena 100. It may cause irritation in the stomach and mouth. It can also lead to nausea or diarrhea in some cases. In these cases, people should stop taking the medication and consult their physician immediately.
Fildena can be taken twice daily under medical supervision. Its effect begins after two weeks of continuous intake. Initially, there will be slight relief from the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and shortness of ejaculation. If this medicine is taken for a longer period of time, some permanent damage may result and these effects will become evident.
Some of the common medicines containing nitrates are warfarin, colchicine, cisapride, leupeptin, etc. All these medicines should only be taken under medical supervision. Sometimes, too, the medicine containing fildena causes a serious reaction in some people. For example, a very large proportion of patients who have taken it for dyspepsia (Dysmenorrhea) developed severe chest pain, nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure (hypertension), and even seizures. These people should discontinue using the medicine and inform their doctor about their situation.
Fildena 100 pill contains hydrocodone, also known as Lorazepam. This ingredient is used primarily for the relief of pain and is not meant for other purposes. This medication can cause a certain amount of addiction since it also has hydrocodone as one of its major ingredients. People who take fildena on a regular basis may become habituated to it and may experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using it. Long-term use of this medication may also cause liver damage.
The combination of Fildena with other medications, such as asthma inhalers, bronchodilators, and anti-anxiety drugs may result in even more serious side effects than the illness it is supposed to cure. This is one reason why doctors prefer to give Fildena for short periods, even up to three months, rather than giving these medicines in a continuous way. Also, if you want to discontinue your usage of the medicine you may do so under the close supervision of your doctor. If you intend to stop taking fildena, you should tell your doctor about it. Your doctor might advise you to switch to another non-fildena medication or to ask your pharmacist to supply a weaker form of the medication.
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